Page 39 of Beast

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“Get off me!” I growl, but they don’t release me. Spider bends down and helps the bunny off the floor. I smile happily, knowing that her nose is busted.

“The bitch broke my nose!” she whimpers.

Spider doesn’t comfort her. “You started on her, now get the fuck out,” he barks.

She frowns. “But baby,” she whines.

“Caprice, just fuck off. You over stepped,” Spider sighs.

“It’s Clarice!” she fumes before storming out.

Spider takes my face in his hands. He tuts and shakes his head. “Get the first aid kit,” he yells. One of the prospects runs off to retrieve it. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” he says. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he leads me into the kitchen. He grabs a stool and points at me to sit.

He makes me a hot tea and I take it, shivering in my wet clothes. The prospect comes in and places the kit on the side, then leaves. “This is going to sting,” Spider warns as he places the cotton wool on my cuts. I squeeze my eyes shut and hiss in pain. “So, you want to tell me why you came over here in the middle of the night looking for my brother?” he asks.

I look down, tears stinging my eyes. I feel so stupid. I’ve made a scene and I look like an idiot. I sniff. Spider gently holds my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I’m sorry.” I sniff.

Spider places the cotton down. “Come here, darlin’,” he says, softly embracing me in his arms. He holds me while I cry, stroking my hair affectionately.

I sit back a little and I can’t help but notice the large bulge in his jeans. “Er, Spider.” I point down between us.

He looks down and shrugs. “Can’t blame me darlin’, when you are sat there in a wet see-through tank with no bra, and just had your soft body pressed against mine.”

I look down and see that my top is completely see-through. “Shit!” I hiss, pulling away from him, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. “Oh god, I’ve made a complete fool of myself,” I groan.

Spider laughs before he walks over to a large cabinet. He pulls out a blanket and walks back to me, wrapping it over my shoulders. I smile and thank him, covering my modesty, not that there is much point. He continues to clear up my cuts and scratches.

“Beast won’t return my messages,” I state.

He raises a brow. “So what? You’ve come down here to chew him out?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No, I don’t know. No. I just want to know what’s going on. I overheard Star and Ghost talking. I know people aren’t telling me everything, and Star said he was here partying. I came to confront him, but not so much about not replying, but to find out what the hell is going on, because I am so confused.” I sigh.

Spider tucks my hair back behind my ear, giving me a soft smile. “He ain’t here, darlin’. He hasn’t been here since he left with you.”

I frown, confused. “But Star said…”

“Ghost told Star that he was down here partying, so she would leave shit alone and that things were normal. Things aren’t normal, darlin’. Things are teetering on the edge of a cliff right now. If Beast is staying away, it’s for a reason that is to do with the club. You are just going to have to trust him and us to do the right thing by you,” he states. I nod, watching as he pulls out his phone and starts texting. “Just texting Ghost to let him know you are here safe, and that we will drop you back in the morning. Now go get some sleep, darlin’,” he says before kissing the top of my head.

I nod and climb off the stool and walk out of the kitchen, leaving Spider to clear up.

I walk to Beast’s bedroom and close the door behind me. I climb into his bed and pull the covers over me, inhaling his scent off the pillow. I close my eyes, waiting for sleep to come, but it doesn’t. Instead, I have a million thoughts running through my mind.

So, he still wants me, but can’t? It’s the club stopping him from being with me? Is it my father stopping him? It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done that. Why is he keeping himself from me? Maybe Spider has it wrong. Maybe he doesn’t want me. Maybe he grew tired of waiting.

I look at the clock and see that I’ve been laid here for 2 hours, running through the same thoughts over and over. I fling the covers off me, deciding to go to his. I came here for answers, and I’ve got none. I won’t sleep until I have them.

I open the draw and pull out one of Beast’s T-shirts. I remove my still damp top and pull it on over my head. Opening the door, I peer out, looking and listening. Silence surrounds me, so everyone must be in bed. I creep down the hall to the bar, and after spotting the truck’s keys, I grab them. I am momentarily stopped in my tracks when I hear moaning.

I peek around the corner and see Spider fucking some woman. She’s bent over the end of the couch, her ass in the air as Spider grips her hips, thrusting into her hard, his toned body covered in a sheen of sweat. I gasp at the erotic site, and his gaze flicks to mine. I don’t look away. I should, but I can’t.

He smiles, biting down on his bottom lip. His muscles tense, and he lets out a deep groan as he slams himself inside her. “Fuck baby,” he moans. I watch as he pulls out and fists his cock, spilling his cum all over the woman. His eyes are on me the entire time. My cheeks heat and I feel my arousal between my legs. Spider knows it, too. His smile widens and he winks.

I shake my head and snap out of it, running back towards the door. I unlock the truck and jump in. The rain is still pouring heavily and loud claps of thunder sound over head. I slam the truck in reverse, the wheels spinning. The door flies open, and Spider runs out, his jeans undone and hanging low on his hips.

“Belle! Stop!” he yells.

I put the car in drive and speed off. I look in the rear-view mirror, seeing Spider cursing. “Sorry Spider, but I need answers.”

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