Page 36 of Beast

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“Fuck you. Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but she’s seen my dick, so no need for your concern,” I point out.

“Well, at least she didn’t run off screaming in terror. It wouldn’t be the first time,” he teases.

“That only happened the once, and that was because she asked for anal,” I argue.

Ghost laughs. “Come on. For all we know, Star has your fucking marriage arranged by now.”

We start walking back up the steps. “How come you ain’t proposed to her yet?” I ask, looking over my shoulder.

“I don’t need a bit of paper that tells me Star is mine. I know she fucking is,” he points out.

Star and Belle look over in our direction as we walk toward them. “Casper, fancy a game of hangman when we get home?” she asks.

Ghost frowns, confused. I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You told her,” I sigh, looking at Belle. She shrugs, looking a little sheepish.

“Girls talk, and it’s not a bad thing. We share experiences and tips,” Star says, winking at me.

“Fuck sake,” I mutter. “Listen Belle, you’re going to have to stay with Ghost and Star for a while,” I say, changing the subject.

Belle frowns. “What? Why?”

“Because Beast has some work that I need him to do, and it will take a while. It’s safer for you to be at ours,” Ghost states.

Belle frowns, looking between us. “Why can’t I just stay here? I thought no one knew about this place?” she questions.

“Because it’s not safe for you to be here on your own,” I argue.

“I don’t get what the big deal is. She can stay here, and the prospects can come by and check in on her,” Star suggests.

“It ain’t fucking happening. She has to go,” I snap.

Belle blanches, swallowing harshly. “Okay, well um, if it’s what I have to do, then okay,” she answers softly.

“It is, just until it’s safe,” Ghost adds.

“I will go and pack,” Belle says quietly before walking past me.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Star hisses.

I look at her, refusing to answer. I just turn and walk upstairs to Belle and see her chucking her toiletries in a bag.

“I won’t be long, as all my stuff is still packed,” she mutters.

I close the space between us and stand behind her. I sweep her hair from her neck, and she freezes. “I’m sorry darlin’, but this is out of my control,” I tell her. Leaning down, I inhale her scent. “It’s for the best,” I add.

She spins around to face me, her eyes searching mine. “What is it you’re not telling me?” she presses.

“I told you darlin’, I’ve just got to work. Club business,” I tell her.

She sighs. “If there was more, you would tell me, right?”

I grip my jaw tight, hating that I am lying to her, but I know her. I know if she found out about her father, she would want to be there with him. “That’s all there is, darlin’. Nothing else,” I lie.

She smiles and nods. “Okay.” She grabs her bags, but I take them from her and carry them downstairs. Ghost and Star are already by the truck, but Star has her arms crossed, looking pissed.

Belle turns suddenly and leans up on her toes. She places her mouth on mine, kissing me, still holding her bags. I wrap my arms around her, keeping her body pressed against mine, kissing her back. She breaks the kiss, her eyes still closed, a smile on her lips.

“I was going to tell you this later, but now I can’t. So...” She pauses, her hand cupping my face, her breath across my lips. She looks up at me, her warm hazel eyes shining with affection. “I think I’m there, Anders,” she whispers.

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