Page 35 of Beast

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“Oh my god,” Star whispers loudly. I feel Belle smile against my lips.

I break the kiss and turn to face Ghost and Star. “Coffee?” I offer.

Ghost smirks and nods, while Star walks straight to Belle and takes her hand. “Yes, but I need to talk to Belle while you make it,” she says before dragging her through the kitchen to the dining table. “Oh my god, this house is fucking incredible!” she yells.

Ghost picks up Enzo in his bouncer thing and brings him with us into the kitchen area while I make the coffee. He places him down next to him. “Beast,” Ghost says my name with a tone that I know means something serious.

I look up at him and nod. I make the coffees and place them on the table for Star and Belle, and Ghost places Enzo next to Star. “I’m just going to show Ghost the new gym equipment,” I lie. They both nod and Star shoos us away.

Once down in the gym, I turn around and face Ghost, crossing my arms over my chest, bracing myself for whatever bad news he has to tell me.

“What is it?” I ask.

He sighs, pausing to take a swig of his coffee. “It’s bad,” he states.

“When is it not?” I counter.

He sighs and takes a seat on the weights bench. “I went to Bobby, on my own. Late last night.”

“How in the fuck did you manage to get away with that? I mean, I know he has power in that place, but fucking out of visiting hours?” I question.

Ghost looks up at me. “He’s in the ICU,” he adds.

I uncross my arms and immediately look up the stairs to make sure Belle isn’t coming. “What the fuck? I thought he was okay. He had just been roughed up,” I hiss.

“Yeah well, he was, but Charlie’s men got to him while he was in the medical ward at the prison. They injected some shit into his drip, and the only saving grace was that one of the nurses caught them just as they were doing it. So, they only managed to give him a small amount, but it was still enough to give him a fucking heart attack. It took them 25 minutes to get his heart beating again. They don’t know what the damage may be to his brain when he comes around. He’s hooked up to every fucking machine right now. It ain’t looking fucking good, brother.” He sighs.

I pace the room. “What the fuck? It’s literally been 2 days. Jesus, we’ve got to tell Belle. She will want to be with him,” I state.

Ghost shakes his head. “Can’t do that, brother.”

I look at him and frown. “What the fuck do you mean, we can’t do that?” I snap.

“It’s what they want. They want her to visit him so they can take her out, too,” he states.

I run my fingers through my hair. “I can’t fucking lie about this to her. I can’t,” I state. “Before, her father was just beat up, and he would recover. It was her father’s wish. But shit man, what if he doesn’t make it?”

“We ain’t got much choice. As soon as she steps foot into that hospital, they will be made aware, and then by the time she walks out, she will be dead,” he adds.

“Fuck,” I grit out. I sigh and close my eyes. “Then she can’t stay here,” I state.

“Beast, brother. You think that’s fucking wise?” Ghost counters.

I look at him. “She’s a fucking virgin, brother. She is mine, and I will be claiming her, but fuck, I can’t do that while lying to her. No fucking way,” I grit out. “If she stays here with me, then I will tell her about her father. I can’t keep fucking lying to her.”

Ghost nods. “I get it. I would feel the same about Star, but if it’s to protect her life,” he adds.

“She won’t see it that way. No matter how you try and explain it,” I point out.

Ghost sighs, knowing I’m right. “Then she either comes back to ours, or we go on full lockdown,” he suggests.

“Don’t lock everyone down, not yet. If they are acting this quickly, then they ain’t going to sit on their hands for long before they strike again. Let her stay at yours, and then see what happens,” I suggest.

Ghost nods. “Fair enough, but we get even a threatening text, I’m locking everyone down,” he warns.

I nod, hating this entire fucking situation. I was just starting to get somewhere with her, and now I am risking it all by keeping fucking secrets.

“So, she’s a virgin,” Ghost says, smirking. “She realise you’re hung like fucking King Kong?” He smirks.

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