Page 23 of Beast

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Star’s gaze turns murderous. She cracks her neck and storms toward the table where the guy is stood, obviously telling his friends what a cock tease I am.

“Oh, shit,” I mutter.

“What’s going on?” Maggie asks as she comes over, followed by Dixie and Josie. I pause and tell them briefly. “Grab our bags. We are about to get thrown out,” Maggie says before she marches over to Star. We grab the bags and follow them over.

“You think you can touch her without permission?” Star snaps.

The guy shrugs. “Look sweetheart, you weren’t there. Your friend offered it to me on a platter. She was practically begging me for it. You can’t mess a guy around like that. We are red-blooded mammals. We can’t just shut it down,” he says, spouting more bullshit. Star grabs his drink and throws the contents all over him. “What the fuck, bitch?!” he yells, jumping to his feet.

Star gasps. “Oh no, I am so sorry. I’m just a hormonal woman. I just can’t shut it down,” she says sarcastically.

He goes to lunge for her, but Maggie comes in at the side and shoves him hard, making him stumble backwards. It’s then that all his friends who were sat in the booth stand and circle us. The guy smiles and joins his friends. We exchange a look. This is dangerous. There may be 5 of them and 5 of us, but it’s men versus women. My back legs hit a table, and as I turn, I see it has some empty bottles. I grab them and pass one to Dixie, Maggie and Josie.

“Pass me my bag,” Star asks, holding her hand out while still keeping eye contact with the douche bag.

“You can swing your handbag at us all you like sweetheart, you and your friends don’t stand a chance against us. Why don’t you all just calm down and join us for a drink or 2? Who knows? You might actually enjoy yourself,” he states, still thinking that he is in with a shot. Fucking moron.

Star smiles. “Really? Oh, that is nice of you, but you crossed a line, and I have a problem with men that think they can do what they like to women, like they are entitled,” she says before sliding a pair of brass knuckle dusters onto her hands.

“Fuck Star!” I blurt out, surprised.

The guy looks down at her hands and smirks. “You know how to use those?” he asks.

Star shrugs. “Oh god, I don’t know. Is it something like this?” she asks as she rears her fist back and slams it across the guy’s face. He stumbles backwards, falling to the floor. His mates go to grab Star, and she tries to shake them off.

“Get off her!” I yell. I lunge forward and smash a bottle over one of their heads. Maggie, Josie and Dixie all do the same to the others. We kick, scratch and fight them like rabid animals.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” a deep, loud voice rings out. The music is cut, and the bar has gone instantly silent.

We freeze, all while I am clinging onto the back of one of the guys as I try and rip chunks of his hair out with my fists, Dixie is grappling one of their legs while biting his thigh, Josie is holding a chair above her head, ready to smash it over another guy’s head, Maggie has a broken bottle in her hand, holding the sharp edges against one of their necks, and then Star has straddled a guy, about to slam her knuckle dusted fist into the guy’s face again.

“Oh, hi Casper,” Star greets.

I look over my shoulder to see Ghost, Cash, Rage, Hawk and Beast, all stood there with murderous expressions. Shit.



The bar is still silent. It’s like one of those scenes from a movie; the bar staff and customers are looking back and forth to see who strikes first. Turns out they didn’t have to wait long, because the guy I’m currently clung to swings around, slamming me against the side of the booth.

“Ow, fuck,” I cry out as I fall to the floor with a thud. It all happens in a bit of blur. Beast is there in an instant, and I swear I see him physically pick up the guy that just dropped me like a sack of potatoes and throw him across the bar. Like the guy actually flies. I hear glass smashing and grunts, and from trying to avoid getting trod on, I’ve curled into the foetal position. I feel hands scoop me up, and I scream. “Get off me!” I punch their chest, my eyes still firmly squeezed shut.

“Calm down beautiful, it’s me,” Beast reassures.

I open my eyes. “Oh, sorry,” I apologise. He doesn’t respond. He just continues to carry me out of the bar. Stopping by his bike, he places me down on my feet and sweeps his eyes down my body. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask.

“I’m checking you are not hurt,” he answers sternly.

“Oh,” I sigh.

“Why?” he asks.

“Why what?” I counter. He raises his brow, and that gets my back up. “Why did we come out on a girls’ night without you guys? I don’t know, maybe to have a little freedom,” I yell.

“Why this?” He gestures to my outfit.

“Please tell me you didn’t just make a comment on what I am wearing?” I fume. “It shouldn’t matter what I wear. If I don’t want to be touched. I. Don’t. Want. To. Be. Touched,” I growl, feeling my anger rising. “We all made an effort. We came out to have fun to enjoy ourselves. What we are wearing has fuck all to do with it!”

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