Page 24 of Beast

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“Who touched you?” Beast asks quietly.

I frown. “What?”

“Who touched you?” he asks again, his voice low and menacing.

I tuck my hair back behind my ear. “Oh um, the guy Star was pummelling,” I answer.

“You stay here,” he snaps before he storms back inside the bar.

“Oh shit,” I mutter and run behind him. “Beast! Leave it,” I yell after him. At the same time, the others start coming towards us. Beast stops and asks Ghost something. He nods in the direction of the back of the bar. Ghost, Cash, Rage, and Hawk go with him, while Star, Maggie, Josie, and Dixie head towards me. “Where are they going?” I ask. Star places her hands on my shoulders and turns me back around, guiding me back outside. “What is going on?” I ask.

Star shrugs. “They are just clearing up a few things,” she answers.

“How did they even know where we were?” Josie asks.

Star holds out her phone and shows us a text message from Queenie. “She ratted us out. That’s why she took the picture.” She smirks, rolling her eyes.

I frown. “But why?” I ask, confused.

The guys come back out, and Beast’s white T-shirt is covered in blood splatter. My mouth hangs open. They all look pissed off, apart from Hawk who is finding this whole thing hilarious.

“Man, that felt good. We haven’t had a brawl like that in ages.” Hawk sighs. “And Star, the knuckle dusters are a nice touch,” he compliments.

Ghost practically growls at Hawk, and he holds his hands up in surrender.

“We should have fucking killed them for what they did,” Rage growls. My eyes go wide.

“Oh my god, you were going to kill them?” I ask, shocked.

“No!” Rage snaps. “Ghost wouldn’t allow it, and I’m only a pinkie away from a complete set,” he grumbles.

“Huh?” I ask, confused.

“Nothing,” Beast snaps. “Get on the bike,” he says as he swings his leg over his bike.

I fold my arms across my chest. “I’m not getting on the back of your bike,” I refuse.

I watch as the others climb onto the back of their partners bikes. “Dixie, give me the keys. I will drive the truck back,” I say, holding out my hand.

“You can’t. You’ve had too much to drink. Now get your fucking ass on the back of my bike,” Beast growls.

It must be the drink making me brave. I shake my head no. “No, not after what you said,” I say, shaking my head. Everyone else is just sat there watching.

Beast pinches the bridge of his nose. “Okay, what did I say?” he asks with frustration.

“Well, it’s not so much what you said, but it’s what you implied. That I should expect the trouble, because of what I’m wearing,” I state.

“Oh Beast, you didn’t,” Star snaps.

Beast gets off his bike and stands in front of me. “I asked why, because I wanted to know if you dressed up for someone else. I couldn’t give a shit if you wanted to go for a drink in a fucking bikini, but next time, you do it when I’m there, because there are assholes like that guy in there that think they can look, touch and take what they want, no matter what you fucking wear. You are fucking beautiful, and there are scumbags that will take their chance. They will go too far, and they won’t give a shit,” he snaps back.

I stare up at him, unable to form the words I want to say. Instead, I reach up and grab fistfuls of his T-shirt before I press my mouth to his. His arms wrap around my body as he deepens the kiss.

“Okay, now I know why Queenie ratted us out.” Star laughs.

I don’t go back to my room. Beast takes me to his. I stand there, awkwardly not knowing what to do while he pulls out one of his T-shirts. I take it. “You know I could grab my own pyjamas from my room,” I point out.

“I know,” he answers.

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