Page 85 of Drift Would

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That Gacy creature would be the first being he killed.

He would end the male’s lifespan. Slowly and painfully.

The Humanoid Alliance leader handled Drift’s female so roughly he left marks on her delicate skin. And he disrespected her. With his eyes and with his words.

“You want Gacy’s cock, don’t you?” The human male squeezed her right breast. Hard. “You’re such a dirty little cunt.”

“I do want. Badly.” His female maintained her smile.

But she couldn’t conceal the pain and disgust reflected in her eyes.

Not from Drift. He processed her.

And he processed what she was communicating. She wanted the human male to die.

That was what she desired.

Drift’s fingers curled around the handles of the daggers strapped to his side. He would give her what she wanted. Soon.

“But I dressed all pretty for you.” His female batted her simulated eyelashes at the Gacy creature. “And everything here is so…dirty.” She looked around her and wrinkled her nose. “Like, ewww…disgusting.”

The weapon manufacturing site wasn’t a cyborg-level of clean.

The bots couldn’t tidy the floors as quickly as the sand from outside covered them. And every second overhead light appeared to be malfunctioning, making it easy for a being like Drift to hide in the structure.

But it wasn’t disgusting. The usage of that word was part of Drift’s clever female’s act.

“Can we go to that place you took me last time, Gacy?” She pouted at the human male. “The place with the big”—she lowered her voice—“wide—” She swept her fingertips over the male’s garment-covered chest and Drift had to suck back a growl. His female shouldn’t have to touch any other being that way. “—horizontal supports?”

“You like that access, don’t you?” The male’s grin was edged with malice. “And you know only Gacy can give that to you.”

The Gacy creature, for some illogical reason, referred to himself in the third person.

“Give it to me, Gacy.” Drift’s female played with her garment’s flimsy straps. “Give it to me hard.”

Drift would give her Humanoid Alliance contact the blade of his dagger. Hard. He would drive it right into the male’s fully organic stomach.

“Gacy told Dave he could watch this time.” The enemy male glanced toward the open exterior doors. “But fuck him.” He grabbed Drift’s female by her right wrist. “Come on.”

The male dragged her toward the interior doors.

He had reacted to her seduction as Drift’s female had predicted.

Everything was progressing as they had planned.

As soon as Drift’s female had strolled through the exterior doors, the Cancris had placed the tools containing the cylinders around the world-ender-resembling weapon.

The males had undertaken that task with a stoic resolve and with a bravery that earned them Drift’s full respect. There had been no hesitation, no mixed emotions. The Cancris were prepared to sacrifice their lives to ensure others of their kind lived free.

While they were undertaking that courageous act of defiance, Drift had accessed the Humanoid Alliance systems. He gave himself remote access to them.

The Gacy creature approached the control panel located beside the interior doors.

Tension stretched across Drift’s body armor-covered shoulders.

Because a palm-sized round red button, one of many in the space, was fastened to the stone wall next to the control panel. That button was hardwired to the site’s alarm systems.

If the Humanoid Alliance male pressed it, there was nothing Drift could do to intercept the signal. A second set of exterior doors, also hardwired, would lower and they’d be trapped inside the structure with the enemy.

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