Page 83 of Drift Would

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None of them thought a pink-loving breasty female was capable of leading a rebellion against them. They dismissed her as a threat.

And that would kill them all in less than a shift.

“Come on, my male.” Roshini patted the expanse of seat behind her. “Let’s go save the world.”

Drift laughed and got onto the machine. His form folded around hers. His fingers splayed over her bared stomach.

That skin-on-skin contact sent energy surging through her form.

She revved the engines.

They shot forward, moving in the direction of the mountain and toward their destiny.


* * *

Drift jumped off the mounted transport at the designated spot. It was an easy run, he claimed, from there to the base of the invaders’ mountain.

For him. Her cyborg was fast.

Roshini gunned her machine’s engines, determined to beat him to the site.

The sun blazed down on her. The wind blew her simulated hair back.

But there was no joy in the ride. Beings would die today. Beings she loved. And she and her male were in danger also.

She spun to a stop near the workers’ entrance.

Her deliberately dramatic arrival snagged the surrounding beings’ attention. Heads turned.

Roshini slid off the machine. Then she bent and brushed the sand off her boots.

That gave the two gun-toting Invaders guarding the structure’s open doors a clear view of her breasts.

The males leered and whistled and made rude gestures at each other.

She hid her disgust under a fake smile and straightened.

“I’ve missed you, boys.” She exaggerated the sway of her hips as she strolled toward them. “You know how to show a girl some appreciation.”

Awareness flowed over her.

Her cyborg had arrived at the site.

She had won their race. Barely.

But she’d have to wait to celebrate. She had some Invaders to seduce.

“If you weren’t Gacy’s girl, we’d show you more than appreciation.” The short male grabbed his uniform-covered crotch.

Fates, he was disgusting.

Roshini maintained her clueless expression. “If I wasn’t Gacy’s girl, I’d want that more.” She winked at the male. “Do you like my outfit?”

She jiggled her curves as she slowly turned. The combination exposed more of her pale skin.

That drew both of the Invaders’ gazes to her.

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