Page 82 of Drift Would

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“But know that I’m doing that for the Plan.” She placed her palms on Drift’s body armor-covered chest. “The Invader is a vicious being.” She shuddered as she remembered the enemy’s past cruelties. He’d killed and he’d maimed too many Cancris, and he hadn’t been kind to her either. “When he dies, no one in the universe will miss him. That includes me.”

Her cyborg wrapped his arms around her. “Did he damage you?”

The Invader had seized every opportunity he could to hurt her. After a meeting with him, she would return to her cave covered in scratches and dark bruises.

“I can take the damage, my male.” She lifted her chin. The pain was and would be one of the prices she paid to ensure the success of their Plan.

Drift’s eyes turned scarily cold. “He’ll die.”

The Invader would die. And she would celebrate that occurrence. Innocent beings everywhere would be safer when he was no longer alive.

But the timing of that death was important. “Don’t kill him until after we’ve accessed the leaders’ chambers.” They needed the vicious male for that part of the Plan.

Drift paused for a heartbeat and then nodded. “I won’t kill him until that time.” He swept his lips over hers. “I would never put our mission at risk.”

Roshini knew that. But she also didn’t want to test his restraint.

She would try to hide the hurt the Invader inflicted on her.

“I love you, my Drift.” She met her cyborg’s gaze. “If anything goes wrong?—”

“Nothing will go wrong.” His jaw jutted.

It wasn’t the first mission, as he called it, she’d undertaken. There were many components to a successful plan, and many of those components could go wrong.

If that happened, her cyborg would try to save her. And he would try to save himself.

But she was achingly aware that might not be possible.

She could lose him. She could die.

And she didn’t want any words to be unspoken.

“Know that I’ve loved you and been loved by you a lifespan’s worth in these past planet rotations.” She kissed his chin. Her bite mark had long faded. “I think I loved you the first moment I met you. That’s why I trusted you.” Her lips twisted. “I don’t trust easily.”

“I noticed that.” His tone was dry, but his eyes sparkled with humor.

“It isn’t a secret.” She laughed. “Being with you makes me so very happy. And I didn’t think I’d ever feel that way again. Thank you, my cyborg.”

She smacked her lips against his chin again.

“Thank you, my female.” He smiled at her and her breath hitched. The male was so blasted handsome. “Thank you for your trust and for your love.” He swept his lips over hers. “Before I met you, I lived for speed. Flying fast and breaking records was my focus.” He pulled her closer to him. “Now, I live for you—to hear you laugh, to feel your touch, to see the caring in your big brown eyes. And I only want to fly fast with you by my side. You’re my copilot in all things.”

“You’re my copilot also.” Her voice was husky with emotion. “I love you, my male.” She needed to say that again. And again. And again. She wanted him never to doubt her love.

“I love you, my female.” Drift bent his head and kissed her until her knees threatened to buckle.

Then they walked out of the modified freighter toward the mounted transport. They had left the machine at her cyborg’s chosen landing site before assuming command of the ship.

The panels had already been changed. They were bright pink, matching her garment, and they were decorated with flowers and swirls.

Pink tassels were attached to the grips.

Her cyborg grinned as she climbed onto the machine.

She was aware the look was…excessive.

But that was intentional. The abundance of pink and her barely-concealed breasts were all the Invaders remembered. They didn’t take her seriously due to that combination.

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