Page 61 of Drift Would

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She enjoyed the companionable quiet. But she was acutely aware of all the intel she should share with the newest and the sexiest member of her team. “Are there any lifeforms nearby?”

“We’re alone.” Her cyborg confirmed that fact. “I’m activating the program that fucks with listening devices.” A hum filled the air. “I copied your clever programming.”

“I’m impressed.” She nodded. Knowing a cyborg had many benefits. “Then we can talk openly.” There was no need for codes, and that would make the relay of information much easier. “You were given the task of finding the Invaders’ weapon by your captain. You know I have its location. Yet you’ve never tried to extract that information from me.”

“I projected you’d tell me that information when you deemed me worthy of having it.” He shrugged.

“You’ve always been worthy.” She merely hadn’t realized that.

They had reached a stretch of terrain with the clear view she was looking for.

She stopped.

“See that mountain to the right?” She turned her face and her form pointedly toward it. “The one with the perfect peak?”

“The peak is perfect.” Her cyborg frowned.

“It’s too perfect.” Her lips twisted. “No natural peak looks that way.” No one, accustomed like she was, to viewing rocky terrains would believe it was natural. “That mountain wasn’t there five solar cycles ago.”

“The mountain was fabricated.” Drift narrowed his eyes at it. “That’s the manufacturing site for the weapon. The rock blocks the lifeform scans. And it is hidden amidst the other mountains. No one would detect it.”

“We detected it.” She lifted her eyebrows. “A mountain can’t simply appear and no one notice it.”

“They weren’t hiding it from the locals.” Her cyborg met her gaze. “They were hiding it from their enemies off-planet.”

“They were hiding it from beings like your kind. Beings they view as powerful.” She rolled her eyes. “Beings with the ability to stop them, to defend themselves, to wage war against them. And my kind? The Cancris? They view us as beings to use and then dispose of.”

“That’s their way.” Drift didn’t try to deceive her.

She appreciated that. Although she hated the truth.

As she hated the Invaders. “They misjudged us, however.” She lifted her chin. “We might have, historically, been peace-loving beings. And we did, at first, treat them with the warm welcome and the trust we extend to everyone. But now that we know their evil intentions, we’re taking action. We will defend ourselves. And we’ll destroy them and their precious weapon.”

“I’ll be by your side when you do that.” Her cyborg squeezed her hand. “The Humanoid Alliance misjudged my kind also. They viewed us as disposable machines, as unprocessing weapons. We used that to our advantage and escaped their control.”

The Cancris would escape the Invaders’ control also. Roshini’s good mood expanded. “We’re doing this.” She walked with her male. “And I’ll soon be doing you.”

“You can do me later.” He surprised her with that response.

She frowned at him. “You don’t want me to do you?”

“Doing me implies fast.” He wrapped one of his arms around her waist. “For once in my speed-loving lifespan, I want to go slow.” His voice deepened to a rumble.

Her entire body felt that verbal vibration. It swept over her, plucking at her garment-covered nipples and stroking her fabric-clad pussy. “Oh?”

“Oh.” He drifted his fingertips down her side and she trembled. “I want to lay you down on your primitive sleeping support, strip you naked, and spread your legs.”

That visual made her drip with wanting.

“I’ll admire you for a moment as you should be admired.” He splayed his fingers over her right flight suit-contained hip. “And I’ll store the view of you open and eager for me in both my organic brain and my processors. The image of your glistening pink flesh and tight little entrance will be a part of me. Forever.”

“Fates.” She wiggled. His words were turning her on.

“I’ll breathe you in.” He leaned closer to her and inhaled. His nostrils flared. “I’ll draw the decadent scent of your arousal so deep inside me your musk will be permanently imprinted on my olfactory system. I’ll be branded by your aroma.”

“Will you taste me?” Her voice lowered to a whisper.

“I’ll devour you.” His eyes glinted. “I’ll?—”

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