Page 60 of Drift Would

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He splayed his fingers over the small of her fabric-covered back, and he waited for the next obstacle to overcome.

“You can’t carry everyone to safety.” She paused. “Can you?”

She met his gaze. There was a tiny hint of hope in her big brown eyes.

His female wanted him to tell her he could do that. She wanted him to somehow convey everyone she cared about out of harm’s way.

Drift couldn’t give her that false optimism.

“I can’t carry everyone to safety.” Saving every member of her team, including herself, was an impossible task, even for a cyborg. “But I will carry you.”

His female would live. He would ensure that happened.


Roshini might survive the Plan. There was a possibility, small but growing larger with every passing moment, she might outlive the Invaders.

Part of her felt guilty about that. Because the other beings on her team were unlikely to live through their final confrontation with the enemy.

And even if they did survive the experience, the damage from the energy they had already absorbed would kill them mere planet rotations later. Slowly. Painfully.

She suspected her tumors were now gone. Her zest for life had returned to pre-illness levels. She hadn’t experienced the bone-deep agony she associated with the growths since she’d first fucked her cyborg.

Her body, for the first time in solar cycles, felt…right.

That change in her health caused her some guilt also. Not only might she live, but she would spend her planet rotations agony-free. Unlike her team. Unlike Luam.

And it didn’t help her conscience that another part of her, a part of her she couldn’t yet openly embrace, found great joy in the fact that she might live.

Hope had lit a previously dark corner of her heart.

She didn’t want to feel ill. And she didn’t want to die.

Not now. Not after meeting a male she trusted and liked and desired more than she could put into words.

“We’ve completed the key tasks I had scheduled for this planet rotation.” She held Drift’s hand as they walked, at a slower speed, back to the caves. “We could fuck…if your wanting for me hasn’t dissipated.”

“My wanting for you will never dissipate, my female.” His gray eyes gleamed.

She grinned. “That sounds…hard to deal with.”

“It’s very hard to deal with.” He glanced downward.

The bulge in his body armor was thrillingly pronounced.

“I’d breed with you against that boulder right now.” He tilted his head toward the rock formation they were passing. “If it wouldn’t damage you.”

“That’s hot.” She teased him.

He grinned. The male got her humor, and that turned her on also.

“But that’s too hot for me, unfortunately.” She was forced to admit that truth. The sun’s rays blasted them and the boulder. Being pressed against the stone would scorch a layer of skin off her back and ass. “We should wait until we reach the caves to fuck.”

“Humans are fragile.” Drift’s voice lilted with humor.

“Cyborgs are impatient.” She swung their arms back and forth as they walked.

Silence stretched.

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