Page 59 of Drift Would

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“I’m too important to risk losing at this stage of the Plan.” She stopped fighting him.

His female was too important to risk losing at any stage of any plan.

“You’ll see the results, and that’s key.” He braced his feet apart and held his hands out slightly, making himself as large of a shield as possible. “We’re ready for the detonation.”

“I’m pressing the trigger.” She leaned against him.

There was a muffled boom. A hole sank into the sand and spread. Granules flew from the point of explosion. Drift partially lowered his eyelids and pressed his lips together. Particles pitted his exposed skin. The sting was painful, but it was…manageable.

The green circle of combustion spread and spread and spread.

He prepared to turn. If the aftermath reached them, he’d fling his female over one of his shoulders and run with her.

But his calculations were accurate. The radius of the explosion stopped a C Model cyborg-length away from them.

“It’s safe now, my female.” He brushed the blood-specked granules off his face and hands.

His little human ducked under one of his arms. She sported no visible physical damage.

Drift’s shoulders lowered.

“Whoa.” She stared at the terrain in front of her. “It’s beautiful.”

He followed her gaze.

The sand had fused together into a smooth, shiny, partially transparent mass. The sun’s rays reflected off that surface. It sparkled.

His female was correct. It was beautiful.

He wrapped one of his arms around her waist and drew her closer to his side. “The destruction we’re planning won’t be as beautiful as this is.”

“No. It won’t be as beautiful.” Her shoulders slumped. “Everyone within that circle will be dead. Including me.”

His heart clenched. “I won’t allow you to die, my female.”

“You don’t have a choice about that.” Her voice was edged with a soul-shredding sadness. “The Invaders have installed a kill switch in all the cylinders. If they discover we’ve planted them, they’ll block the detonations. And they’ll know something is wrong if they see me leaving their structure.”

“They won’t see you.” That was an easy feat to accomplish. “I’ll carry you and run at top speed. All their human visual systems will detect is a blur.”

She turned to him. “They have lifeform scans, Drift.”

“I have the ability to block lifeform scans.” They’d wear the cloaks Repercussion had packed.

Drift’s female studied him. “I have to detonate the explosives before I leave the structure. There’s some sort of shielding around their fake mountain.”

“We’ll set the detonations on delay.” That would earn them more time. “And we’ll plan the placement of the explosives carefully.”

That would increase the distance he could carry her before the bombs were triggered.

“The explosives I bring into the structure will be left by the leaders’ chambers.” His female trusted him with more details of her plan. “But we’d have to leave through the manufacturing portion of the structure. There’re shielded doors between those two areas.”

“I’ll jam the doors.” That would be easy for him, a cyborg, to do. Once he was inside the structure, he’d gain access to its systems.

“That’ll sound the alarms.” She pursed her lips. “Some of those alarms are hardwired.”

“Share the schematics for the structure with me, and I’ll devise a means to prevent those alarms from sounding.” He was 84.2563 percent confident that was possible.

“I do have schematics for the structure.” His female nodded.

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