Page 57 of Just One More Dare

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She realized now her family probably had flown to New York and hearing their voices hadn’t been a dream. But it was Dex who stayed the night, his head beside her on the bed, and her heart swelled with emotion, her throat thick.

“You’ve been in and out of consciousness and I’m so relieved you’re awake.” His gaze took her in, his eyes softening.

“Must be the good drugs they’re giving me,” she said with a small smile, as she lifted her arm with the IV and needle in her hand. “I can’t imagine how much worse the pain would be without them.” Her eyelids were heavy but she forced herself to stay awake. “Am I okay?”

He clasped her hand and lifted it to his cheek. “You’re very okay. You got lucky. A small nick to your spleen that the doctor repaired and they retrieved the bullet, which should help when they find Jeremy.” His voice took in a deep, angry tone at her ex’s name. “Do you have any idea why he lost his mind and shot you?”

She nodded. “I think so. I met with Tim yesterday, my lawyer. The forensic accountants discovered Jeremy has been embezzling from the business for a long period of time.” She slid her tongue over her dry lips and Dex reached over to give her a cup filled with ice chips.

She tipped some into her mouth and sighed in relief.

“Good?” Dex asked.

She nodded and handed back the cup.

“So that bastard was stealing from you?” he asked, clenching his jaw in fury.

She nodded, then struggled to remember the details her lawyer had given her. “Those payments the accountants found had gone to shell corporations, and the money was then sent to an offshore account Jeremy opened in the Caymans.”

“That son of a bitch.” Dex met her gaze but did not release his tight grip on her hand, holding on as if she might disappear if he let go.

She couldn’t imagine what he’d been through last night, knowing if the situation had been reversed and he’d been shot, she would have been frantic.

Because she loved him.

The thought hit like a thunderbolt despite the feelings having been there all along. She’d been pushing them away, telling herself they were wrong since she’d recently been about to marry another man. Attempting to convince herself she needed to figure out her life. What a fool she’d been. Without Dex in it, she didn’t have a life, not the one she wanted, anyway.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Her gaze fell to his as she took in his haggard face, no less handsome for being so exhausted. The desire to reach out and stroke his cheek was strong but she waited, needing to get through the discussion about Jeremy before she turned the subject to them.

“I am. It’s just unbelievable to think back over what happened yesterday,” she said, which was true.

He inclined his head. “If you’re up to telling me, what happened next?”

She gestured for more ice chips and he helped her take some and wet her mouth before answering. “Tim warned me Jeremy had probably been alerted to the forensic search and results they’d found, and that he might be volatile.”

“That’s an understatement,” Dex ground out.

“Yes. But I told him I’d be careful.” Thinking back, she realized how unsuspecting she’d been, never considering how badly things could turn.

“Why didn’t you call me?” he asked gruffly. She sensed the hurt behind the words but there’d been no real reason to think she needed him at that point in time.

“I thought I could handle Jeremy.” She gave Dex a little shrug, her cheeks warming with embarrassment. “Based on his recent behavior with me, I figured not being alone would keep him from approaching me again. I never thought he’d shoot me. I didn’t know he even owned a gun.” She shivered at the reminder of the moment the bullet struck and the pain afterward.

She squeezed Dex’s hand, fear taking hold. “He can’t get in here, right? I mean, I’m safe?”

He shook his head and gently caressed his fingers along her cheek, causing her to tremble even more. “You’re fine. I’m not leaving and your brother has a security guard outside. A female who is as unobtrusive as she can be. Ian moves quickly.”

She managed a smile at his accurate description of her brother.

As for Dex not leaving… “You need to eat, shower, and sleep,” she said gently. “And I’m relieved there’s a guard.” She let out a long breath, feeling better about being stuck here.

She lay her head back on the pillow. No sooner had she done so than her thoughts went back over the hours prior to the shooting. And the days after they’d returned from Florida. Things had been hot and cold between them and she had only herself to blame.



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