Page 58 of Just One More Dare

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She laughed at their mind-meld.

“Ladies first,” he said. She noted her hand was still in his, his fingers wrapped protectively around hers.

“Okay.” She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. “I don’t know if this is the right time but we need to talk.”

He slid his chair in closer, a concerned look on his face. “Go on.”

“Before I got shot, you said you had a business dinner and might not come by. Now, don’t get me wrong, we aren’t living together. You don’t owe me every night. But—” She picked at the blanket tucked around her with her free hand, not meeting his gaze. “Things between us have been weird. Off.”

“I know and I can explain,” he said.

Now she did look at him and saw regret in his sad eyes and expression. “Can I say one more thing first?” she asked.

“Of course.” He brushed her hair off her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “I’m listening.”

She swallowed hard, the words not coming out easily. Nerves settled in her belly and her stomach pitched, but it was time to lay out for him what she just realized herself.

She was certain about loving him and she knew what she wanted. Whether she’d driven him so out of his mind with confusing messages, he felt differently, she’d find out. Though his behavior now gave her the courage to admit her feelings.

“I realize that I was giving you mixed signals.”

“Sweetheart, no—”

“I was,” she insisted. “I said I wasn’t looking for a relationship, that we’re friends, but you were there. Every time I needed you, you stepped up without asking. And if I regret one thing, it’s not giving you all of me the same way. But I noticed the change in you after Florida, and I just need to know if it’s us you aren’t sure of.” She swallowed past her dry mouth. “Or if you think you were doing what I wanted, giving me space? Or if my issues are just too much?”

He held up a hand. “Samantha, stop. Please.” He visibly shuddered, his emotions clearly on the surface, too. “I screwed up, not you. I understood why you needed time to cement your feelings. But when those photos of us came out, Austin called and said the president of the network was furious about the bad publicity. That I didn’t want to give him a reason to pull the deal based on the morality clause in my contract.”

She gasped. “Oh my God.” She pulled her hand out of his and covered her mouth for a brief moment. “Why didn’t you tell me? I knew Austin was worried but I didn’t know how serious things were. I never would have gone to Florida with you or—”

“Which is exactly why I didn’t tell you. I knew you’d pull away, and that was the last thing I wanted.” He ran a hand through his hair, his stress obvious. “I want you, Samantha. Not an announcer spot that comes with qualifications. I kept us hidden so Jeremy didn’t get upset enough to do something crazy. Which he obviously did anyway. Not to protect some job.”

Discovering all he’d been keeping to himself, hearing that to him, she came first, tears formed in her eyes and she blinked in a futile attempt to hold them back. “Oh, Dex. I messed things up so badly.”

“You didn’t. I did.” He brushed away the moisture on her cheek with his thumb. “You were shot and I was nowhere to be found. All my attempts to protect you from Jeremy by not giving him anything to worry about accomplished nothing but make you think you couldn’t turn to me. You called Ian.” His jaw worked back and forth in frustration.

“Because Jeremy is obviously mentally unstable and I completely missed the signs before the wedding, so how could I expect you to see them?” she asked, falling back on logic.

His deep groan echoed what she felt inside but she was finished talking about Jeremy.

“Dex?” Reaching out, she put her hand over his and squeezed, more for her own benefit than his because she needed his strength for what she was about to say. “I should have called you and not Ian… because I love you. I should have accepted that truth sooner and not let anything come between us.”

His beautiful blue eyes opened wide in surprise. “You love me?”

She nodded and his sexy lips turned up as the truth settled in.

He reached out and wrapped a gentle hand around her neck and leaned forward so she didn’t have to. “That’s good because I love you too, Samantha Dare.”

She let out a long breath, every muscle in her body easing in relief that she hadn’t driven him away. “I’m so glad.” She blinked and this time happy tears dripped down her cheeks.

He swiped them away and touched his lips to hers, kissing her softly, before pulling back. “You need to rest but I’m not going anywhere.”

With a grateful smile, she closed her eyes. She might be in the hospital and in pain. Jeremy might still be out there, running from the police. And she had many loose ends to tie up business-wise. But as far as her personal life was concerned, she had the man she loved and that made her blissfully happy.

“I love you, Dex. And you’re not giving up a job most men would kill for. Not for me.”

He let out a low chuckle. “I’ll make the choice that’s best for me. For us.” He curled his hand around hers and though she felt his eyes on her, she drifted into a medication-induced sleep.


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