Page 29 of Winterland Daddies

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"Oh, well, they will turn up soon, I'm sure. Probably about the time the first batch of cookies is pulled from the oven, if I know my boys."

"Probably," I agreed, laughing. But my mind, even though I was cutting out sugar cookies, was already upstairs. Dinner was still hours away, and after dinner was farther still. I would probably combust from anticipation before we even got to that point.

* * *


In all my years at Second Chance Ranch, I had never sat through a dinner as quiet as this one. Blake's eyes were dark and intent, the attention he was giving to his roast and potatoes was almost scary. Merry stared down at her plate throughout, her face flushed as she occasionally snuck glances at Blake and me from across the table. Nan had a dreamy far-off look on her face, sometimes replaced by a knowing smile. Nobody spoke a word. I could have helped the tension by asking a question or starting a conversation, but the truth of the matter was I wasn't faring much better. My mind was stuck on the reel of the afternoon's events, playing on repeat in my head. A virgin. And maybe a baby. With Merry.

The fantasy was heady, but the reality was a heavier one. A baby with Merry and Blake. Somehow, when Blake and I decided we wanted to share, we had never thought beyond the sexual and discipline aspects of it. Go figure.

I looked up to see Merry staring at me. I caught her eye, and she smiled and winked. Message received. She knew me well—and how my mind worked—and was silently reminding me not to borrow trouble from tomorrow. Shaking my head at my own silliness, I winked back.

I was glad Merry seemed in good spirits. The guilt from the afternoon's revelations was still eating me up inside, but I had plans to make it up to her soon, and well.

We all ate slowly, consuming every bite on our plates, just as Nan had raised us to do. Not that it was a hardship. Nan was a good cook, and she had taught us all to be decent cooks, as well. These days, if not for the schedule tacked up in the kitchen, I would be hard pressed to know who had done the cooking on any given day. I knew today it had been Nan, and the roast had been cooked in the crockpot, so the damn sugar cookies could have her full attention.

I scraped my own plate clean and sat waiting until everyone had done the same. Then, and only then, did Blake rise and begin to clear the table. The three of us would do clean up, since Nan had cooked. It had been the order of things since before I could remember.

Imagine our surprise when Nan stood up and met us in the kitchen. "I'm feeling a little restless today," she announced. "I think I need to get up and stretch my legs. Don't you kids worry about these dishes. I can do them, or they can wait."

Blake's eyes narrowed, but his face was soft, as it always was when he dealt with Nan. She was the only person alive with the ability to wrap Blake around her little finger. And she did it without even trying. "No, Nan, you've had a long day. You go rest. We've got the cleanup. With the three of us, it won't take but a minute."

Flicking a dish towel, while simultaneously tying an apron around her waist to protect her dress, she glared at him. He glared back. "It's the rule, and it's a damn good one, as I've always been told. Now, go sit down."

"I made the rules around here, and I can damn well break them, too!"

Blake shot me a look I knew well, and we jumped into action. Lifting Nan, he grabbed her under the armpits, and I came round and grabbed her feet, forming a human stretcher hold, as we carried her out of the kitchen, through the dining room and into the living room, carefully depositing her upright in her big cozy armchair. Then, we booked it out of there as fast as we could.

She was livid, as to be expected. Just as we crossed over the threshold to the kitchen, we heard the beginning of a familiar cry. "The day I can't wash a few dishes—"

"Is the day you can put me in the ground!" The three of us hollered back, in unison, gathering around the sink.

We made quick work of the cleanup, and Nan, thankfully, stayed put. Once Merry had dried and put away the last dish, the tension that had been hovering was suddenly palpable.

She stood there nervously, folding and smoothing the apron she had just removed. Blake was the one who made a move. Coming up behind her, he grazed her hip with one large hand and tucked her hair behind her ear with the other, leaning down to her level. "Upstairs. You will go into Slade's bedroom. You have forty-five minutes to take a bath. I want your pretty little pussy shaved up nice for us and then you will put on the lingerie we have laid out on the bed for you. At exactly six-thirty, we will come up, and you, baby girl, had better be ready for us."

Her breathing was shallow and labored, her eyes wide as I joined the two of them, flanking her other side. "Just remember, little one, not to be nervous. It's time for your reward."

* * *


Don't be nervous? What the hell was Slade smoking? Of course, I was nervous. I was a fucking mess, standing there, near paralyzed in the kitchen. To make matters worse, I could hear the trusty old Grandfather clock ticking down the minutes in the next room. Each tick was a minute less. I counted three of them while I stood there. Shaved up nice? What did that even mean? Did they want me to shave bare? I had heard of it, of course, but I had never done it. Then again, I'd never had a reason to.

The sharp slap to my already aching ass was the thing that finally spurred me into action. Three minutes had already passed, I realized, checking my phone as I raced up the stairs.

Stepping into Slade's room, a room I had not yet been in, this trip, I was awed. The bed was a beautiful four poster bed, covered with a duvet in a teal blue that made me think of Slade's eyes. Approaching the bed, I saw the lingerie they expected me to wear. It wasn't lingerie at all, or at least, not what I envisioned when I heard the word. It was basically just a bra and panties. A very sexy bra and panties. Oh, and a garter belt. Like I had a single freaking clue how to put on a garter belt. This had to be Blake's doing.

The lingerie had me mortified, but there was no time to wallow in those feelings, not with the clock ticking down the minutes and Blake's very specific instructions. I knew better than to wonder what would happen if those instructions weren't followed to the tee.

I ran a bath with warm water and lots of Epsom salts, knowing from experience that lowering my poor bruised butt into the water was not going to be a pleasant experience. The truth was, as much as I hated it, I also loved the pain. Maybe not the pain itself, but the tangible reminder that I was cared for, and that people who loved me cared what decisions I made, and how I treated myself and others, and wouldn't allow me to engage in reckless behavior. It did something to me, quieting the loud and roaring thoughts of anxiety and self-hatred that had always lingered. For some reason, after a spanking, I always felt calmer and more centered.

Except right at this moment. My ass still ached from the tag teaming punishment they had given me earlier in the day, but the calm had flown out the window the second the last dish had been put away. My stomach was in knots over tonight. It was like I was going to lose my virginity all over again. Only, this time, I knew it. I was starting to think being taken by surprise had been wholly better, but I knew Slade and Blake felt guilty. Tonight, whatever it happened to be, was their way of making it up to me.

When the tub was filled to the top, I turned off the stream, stripped naked, and slowly lowered myself in, wincing the first time my ass hit the heated water. I knew the pain was fleeting and would pass, but that initial jolt of pain always got me.

It's hard to relax in a tub when your mind is racing, your internal clock is on countdown mode, and you have to focus on making sure every single hair on your pussy is shaved clean, but somehow, I managed for a few minutes.

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