Page 30 of Winterland Daddies

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With ten minutes left, I hopped out, towel dried my hair, while quickly applying mascara and lip gloss so my face wouldn't feel totally naked—I knew I would feel vulnerable enough—and ran naked from the bathroom to Slade's bed. The bra and panties fit perfectly, but the garter belt was a mess and a half. Shouldn't there be stockings? What was I supposed to hook the clips to? Was it really sexy to have a bunch of strings flapping around everywhere while you're getting busy? It seemed like it could be more distracting than arousing, but whatever. Men are weird.

At six-twenty-nine, I flung myself on the bed, propping myself on one elbow and wearing what I hoped was a come hither gaze. At exactly six-thirty, the door opened, and my body reacted instantly, as my two shirtless cowboys stood in the doorway, wearing nothing but sexy smiles and worn out Levis. Hot damn. Any woman would consider herself lucky to have even one of them. How on earth had I gotten lucky enough to have both, and how long would it last?

They stood there, filling the entrance, their eyes roaming over my body. I tingled with self-consciousness, and every nerve in my body seemed to sizzle with electricity. My panties were nearly already soaked through with my own arousal, and they hadn't even entered the room yet. If that was any hint as to how the rest of the night was going to go, I was a goner.

My face flamed as they stared at me, and I willed them to make a move. Finally matching their gaze with my own, I pleaded silently with Slade to put me out of my misery. But it wasn't Slade who made the first move. It was Blake.

Blake, who sauntered in slowly, his eyes never leaving mine as he made his way to the bed. Blake, who stopped just shy of the edge of the bed and wordlessly removed his jeans, revealing a sexy pair of black boxer briefs that truly left little to the imagination. It was Blake who climbed atop me on the bed, covering his body with mine, and his lips that claimed mine in a hot and passionate kiss that left no question that, though, tonight, was my reward, he was the one in charge.

When he finally pulled away, cupping my face and the back of my neck, my whole body shivered. I hadn't even seen Slade enter, but suddenly, he was kneeling beside me and claiming me with his kiss. Each kiss was slow and passionate and spoke volumes about the man doing the kissing. Slade's kiss was sweeter and deeper, where Blake's had been rougher and more dominant. The kiss matched the man and our relationship. Slade kissed longer. And I understood, he was speaking all of his pent up emotions through that single kiss. I heard each one, responding in turn.

Just when I thought I needed to come up for air, I felt a tug on my hips, as they were forced off the bed. Blake's calloused hands caressed me, and my panties slid down my ass and thighs, over my knees, and off my ankles. I turned from Slade, for just a second, and watched them land on the floor.

I could feel Blake inspecting me down there, though he never touched me. I held my breath, praying he would find me to his liking and wondering how picky he was actually going to be. I whimpered, and Slade's mouth covered mine, drawing my attention once more to the activity at hand. Just as my mind finally settled, an explosion of soft heat covered my bare mound, and the shock of the feeling climbed my spine, sending tiny nerve explosions throughout my body. I bucked in a panic, and large hands held my hips firmly in place, while he tortured me with his tongue and fingers, until I was crying and screaming his name.

Holy fuck! The idea of his face down there had been excruciatingly humiliating at first, but damn, it felt good. So good, I had forgotten to be self-conscious, until I lay panting and sweating, while he grinned up at me.

I was spent, already, but when I looked up from Blake's mischievous smile, I found Slade kneeling over me with his cock dangling in front of my mouth.

"Suck it like a good girl," Blake ordered.

Quickly, I obeyed, incredibly aroused by the fact that he was ordering me to suck a cock that was not his. The angle was a weird one, but I cupped my hand around Slade's balls and gripped his ass tightly with the other, using the leverage to guide him into my mouth. I went to work licking the tip of his cock and running my tongue up and down the length of his shaft. Just as I took him fully in my mouth and began to suck vigorously, Blake thrust into me, leaving me breathless. I gave a quick gasp of air and Slade hummed appreciatively at the vibration it must have caused. My whimpers seemed to fuel them, and soon, they were matching each other, thrust for thrust, and I was just along for the ride.

But what a ride it was.

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