Page 26 of Winterland Daddies

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I stared at her blankly as the magnitude of her words set in, jumping to my feet when they did. "Hold up, hold up. Wait just a damn minute here. What do you mean, you lost your virginity last week? To him?" Incredulously, I pointed at Slade, who was still sitting on the bed, looking rather dumbfounded.

"To me?" he repeated numbly.

Shyly, with a blush creeping up her cheeks, Merry nodded. "I want you both. I want this. I'm happy. I just…I felt like you needed to know that I'm a little overwhelmed. Trying to be transparent with my feelings and all that," she expounded, using one of Slade's favorite phrases.

"A little overwhelmed?" Slade cried, finally jumping up. "A virgin? Holy hell. Holy hell. I did not see that coming."

Watching the scene unfold, I shook my head. Poor Slade. He was going to take this hard. I was going to have to be the voice of reason in the room.

"Baby girl," I began, sitting beside her, once more, and taking her hand. "First of all, thank you for telling us and for being honest about your feelings."

Silently, looking worried, Merry nodded.

"I am so sorry. There isn't much else I can say, other than that. Of course, we will take your experience and feelings into consideration. Our job is to keep you safe and protected, including from our own mistakes. Please forgive us."

"Of course." She looked shocked at my asking her forgiveness. "I'm okay, guys, really."

I shook my head. "Slade, can I see you outside for a minute?"

* * *


I nodded to answer Blake's question, and we jetted out of the room in a hurry. A virgin. A fucking virgin.

Neither of us spoke a word until we were safely out of earshot. Then I exploded. "Man, we fucked up!"

Blake shook his head, regarding me with concern. "Pull yourself together, man. And don't beat yourself up. You get on Merry for doing it, and I'll get on you just the same."

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one who deflowered her!"

Blake burst into raucous laughter. "Deflowered? Man, what century are you from, anyway?"

I glared at him. "This is serious."

"It's not ideal. But I'm certain that it's not as big a deal as you are making it. You heard her. She's okay."

Anger and shame filled me, as I remembered the way I had taken her. Roughly and with no consideration. "No, Blake it's not okay. I'm her Daddy. We have been so worried and so focused on making sure she wanted to stay after the holiday, that we rushed shit, and we fucked up bigtime. Don't you see?"

"All I see is you being way too into your head. Yes, we fucked up. Yes, we could have handled it better. For the record, though, she and I did not do anything we had not done before."

"Right. Of course. So it's all on me."

"That's not what I said," Blake growled, the look on his face one I had not seen in ages.

"Daddies are supposed to be thoughtful. Gentle. Loving. What I did was none of those things. It was selfish and thoughtless and just plain vile."

"Vile? Slade, man, you need a chill pill. I'm glad I got you out of there. I could tell you were about to implode."

The truth was, I was glad he had, too, but just as I finally started to calm down, I remembered something, and all I wanted was to be back in there, calm or not. I didn't care. "Follow me," I growled, pulling the door open and storming down the hallway.

I heard Blake mutter, "What the hell?" as he chased after me, and I knew I was about to make a big mess, but I didn't care. I pushed open the door to Blake's room and entered with wild abandon. Merry was sitting on the bed with big tears streaming down her face. My gut instinct was to take her in my arms, wipe her tears, beg forgiveness, and kiss everything better, but I shoved it down. My question was far more pressing.

"Are you on birth control?" The question came out louder and angrier than I anticipated, setting forth a fresh wave of tears from Merry as she wagged her head back and forth. "N-n-no," she sobbed, burying her face in her hands.

I heard Blake's hiss of surprise from behind me, but I couldn't give two fucks to his feelings, right now. This didn't involve him. It was about me, and Merry.

"So you could be pregnant, right now?" I asked, forcing my voice down an octave.

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