Page 25 of Winterland Daddies

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"Wrong answer." Slade beat me to the punch, smacking her bare, exposed backside with the tip of the belt, before my hand got there.

"You trying to pile on some more trouble, baby girl? I'd advise against it. Now, try your answer again, and get it right, this time."

"Because I went out in a storm and put Nan and myself both in danger. I should have stood my ground and told her no."

"Better," I purred, reaching over to grab a handful of that sweet ass. "I'm going to let Daddy take the lead on this one, because Daddies don't take well to little girls who put themselves in danger, but you can bet your sweet little behind that I will get my turn before this is over, baby girl."

Her whole body shuddered in response as I watched with satisfaction. I squeezed her ass, one last time, and then stepped aside to let Slade work. The leather snapped in Slade's hands, and even I flinched at the loud cracking sound it made. Backing up to give Slade room, I leaned against the dresser and watched.

"I understand, little one, that all the blame does not fall on you, here. But you are the one who belongs to us and answers to us. And, that is exactly what you are going to do."

"Yes, Daddy." Her whimper was almost unintelligible.

"I take safety matters very seriously, little girl. You're about to find out just how much." I sighed as I watched, almost feeling Merry's frustration from across the room. Everything in her body language seemed to scream at him to just get on with it, already. I was beginning to feel the same. Once we finished the main course, we could move on to dessert, and that was where my mind was.

The first crack of the belt against bare skin was music to my ears. As was the shriek that followed. Slade was not starting lightly or easing her in, today.

"What if something had happened to you? Or to Nan? How would you feel? How would Blake and I feel? You are the two most important people in our lives." The belt cracked five times across her skin while he spoke, and before he finished, the room filled with quiet sobs.

"Your irresponsibility caused you to end up with stitches, baby girl. The welts from my belt will fade, but that scar will be an ever present reminder of this night and what happens to little girls who put themselves and others in danger." Slade's speech never wavered, even as the belt beat a steady rhythm across her sit spots with a speed and precision that had even me wincing.

"Yesss, Daddy." The words fell from her lips in a quiet hiss of pain. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I'll make better decisions!" she cried desperately.

"Let's just make sure that you keep that promise. Ten more."

She didn't respond but willed herself still, grabbing the bedcovers for comfort, and braced herself.

I watched in awe, as the belt landed ten times in a minute, as Merry lay there writhing under his ministrations. After the last one landed, Slade dropped the belt on the floor and gathered her into his arms for a cuddle. I watched with disinterest. For me, aftercare ran more along the lines of allowing her to kneel at my feet or suck my cock while I grabbed her hair by the handful. That was precisely why Slade had his say first. Sometimes, a more tender brand of aftercare was called for.

Catching my eye, Slade motioned me over, and when I sat on the bed beside them, he hoisted Merry off his lap and into the empty seat between us. It was time to lay our cards on the table, once more.

"Meredith, do you know what it means when you accept our discipline?" I questioned seriously.

"That, for some absurd reason, deep down, I really love having my ass beat?" she answered, grinning mischievously.

"Watch your mouth, little girl," Slade growled, low in his throat. "Before I go find a bar of soap."

"We're trying to talk to you, Merry. Please don't make it more difficult than it has to be, and just answer the question."

"I don't know how." She shrugged.

"It means that you are ours. We know we are moving kind of fast. We know that you were never asked and that you were certainly not expecting this outcome. But, what we want to know, baby girl, before we go much further with anything, is that you want to be ours, both of ours, and that you understand what it means."

She shrugged again. "That you both want to spank me and Dom me, and you won't be jealous, and I won't have to choose?"

"It means all of those things, yes." I cupped her face and turned her head so that she had no choice but to look at me while I continued my explanation. "It means that some things will be the same as they were. Slade will be your Daddy, and I will be your Dom, just like before. But the difference is, of course, that we are both aware of the other's role in your life, now. Sometimes, he will think you deserve a punishment, and sometimes, I will, but we will both handle it together, always. It means, baby girl, that your body belongs to both of us. We will fuck your sweet holes any time we please, and if we ask you to do something sexually or otherwise, you will do it, no questions asked. And, in turn, we will reward you whenever it is appropriate, by nibbling on your sweet little pussy or playing with you until you come over and over again, until you can't handle it anymore. Sometimes, it means I will bend you over and fuck your ass, while Slade fucks you from the front."

"I'm sorry, you want to fuck me where?"

Her innocence was endearing, and I chuckled at her wide eyes and open mouth. "I will fuck you anywhere I please, baby girl. The sooner you understand that, the better." Merry looked at me, her whole body frozen in tension.

"Safe word!" she cried.

I gaped at her and shot Slade a questioning look over her head.


"Safe word," she repeated, talking faster than I knew was possible. "I don't have one, and I really think I should. Because, here's the thing—a week ago, I lost my virginity and, now, you're sitting here talking about fucking me in the ass and both holes at once, and I just think this is moving faster than I anticipated. I'm starting to feel like I got in way over my head."

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