Page 13 of Winterland Daddies

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"No, that's never been your strong suit, has it?"

She was crying in earnest now. The tears were falling, and I couldn't wipe them fast enough. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, or my own."

"You deserve the world, baby girl. And you could have it, if you could just let go."

"She can't." Slade's voice was strong as he pushed open the door and came into view, standing in the middle of the small bedroom. "Merry cannot let go of the pain she thinks she caused, and it will continue to haunt her, and every part of her life, until she is released from it. She has tried for years to escape it and has only fallen short. Isn't that right, little one?"

Merry's whole body shook as she nodded.

"We have to help her. She needs to be released from the pain and held accountable for the mistakes she did make. Even if they aren't the ones she has been hanging onto all this time."

"You're right, of course, Slade," I said, standing as I agreed.

Merry's eyes widened, her gaze bouncing between the two of us as she tried to make heads or tails of our exchange.

"We've tried forgiving her, reasoning with her, taking our own share of responsibility, none of it has worked," Slade continued. "I see only one possible course of action, Blake, don't you?"

"She needs to be punished for her perceived transgressions. It's the only way she will truly feel forgiven or be able to forgive." My eyes were on Merry's face as I answered, and the wave of relieved shock was evident in every muscle. "She needs to be spanked. By both of us."

Slade nodded sagely, and even Merry's head bobbed, though it was slight and nearly indiscernible

"Together," I finished, enjoying the shocked expression on Merry's face as what I had said sank in. She had not been expecting that.

"What? No, no. No!" She stood quickly and angled her body between ours, as if she expected a fight to break out at my pronouncement.

"I don't think you're understanding, little one." Slade stepped in, catching her chin in the crook of his finger. "We are not asking your opinion. We are telling you what is going to happen. We are willing to help you forgive yourself, and these are our terms."

She shook her head in confusion, and Slade pressed a finger to her lips. "Hush," he whispered. "Listen, little one. It is my turn to speak."

She nodded, and Slade took the space on the bed that I had previously occupied, pulling her into his lap. I sat in a desk chair across the room and prepared to watch the magic happen. I was going to have to get used to it, after all.

"Do you remember the last time we were all here together, little one? In this room?" Slade's voice was low and he spoke in hushed comforting tones. Merry appeared captivated as she nodded. I admit to feeling the same way. I had never seen the two of them together in this dynamic, and the result was oddly arousing.

"We told you that you had to choose, and we left you here by yourself. That's not the actions of a Daddy or a Dom. We made mistakes, little girl, all of us. But we've been given a second chance."

"I still can't choose." Merry's whisper was pained and broken.

"Of course not," Slade agreed. "That was the problem all along. You loved us both, and we both loved you. How could you choose between two very different relationships, when both filled very different needs you had?"

"That's why I left," Merry interrupted. I could see Slade's temper rising from across the room, and I held back a chuckle. Slade hated to be interrupted.

"Back to what I was saying. You're here now, Merry, and we have all been given a second chance. We don't want you to choose. We both want you."

"Then how is that not asking me to choose?" Merry cried, interrupting him again. I could see Slade fuming. I knew then that it was time to intercede, before Slade turned her over his knee and started without me.

I stood and made short work of crossing the space between us. "That's enough, baby girl. You are being very rude with all your questioning and interrupting. If you would have just been quiet and listened, as you were asked, you'd have gotten the picture by now. So let me spell it out for you. We don't want you to choose. We want to share you."

Her eyes grew to the size of saucers and she turned to Slade for confirmation. He nodded.

"I…" Finally, she was speechless. That was good. I wasn't about to be swayed or distracted by endless questions.

"You don't have to have all the answers. I'm telling you that you are going to stay here, free of pressure and jealousy. Nothing has to be hidden, and you can have whatever you want from either of us. And from both of us together. You don't have to answer, you don't have to decide. Now is not the time for questions. But I'm telling you, baby girl, that if you consent to a spanking as a way to release the guilt that you have lived with for far too long, it will only be given by both of us. Together."

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