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Oliver Sinclair Found Dead.

“Come again?” I blurt out, all pretense of cool gone.“Dead?”

Silence blankets us.

"He's dead," I repeat, utterly shocked.

“Yes,” Julian finally says, but there is a tightness in his voice that makes me uncomfortable, like how I feel when I wear Spanx but then decide to eat a second slice of cake. Just because you’re holding it all in doesn’t mean it looks nice.

What are he and Harper not telling me?

My mind races.“Did either of you see this coming?”

When they said they were handling the Sinclairs, was a body count part of the plan?

“No. It wasn’t supposed to go down like this,” Julian states, his tone flat.“Agents were supposed to arrest him and Andrew this morning.”

“So, he took Hitler’s way out,” I snap, anger flaring. Oliver took the coward's exit, robbing us of the satisfaction of seeing him dragged through the mud.

Harper can only snort at that.

“No,” Julian corrects me,“Not exactly.”

I glance back at the screen, a knot forming in my stomach.“They got Andrew, right?”

Silence again.

“Hello!” My patience snaps as I stand.“Don’t go all vow-of-silence nun on me now.” I fix Harper with a glare.“Andrew’s been arrested, hasn’t he?”

Nothing. Great.

“He's dead too?”

Harper cringes, a sure sign of bad news.“No,” she finally says, and I nearly implode.

For my sanity, could you possibly string a few words together?

“What the news hasn’t caught wind of yet..." Julian looks at Harper again like they are besties who have formed a pinky swearing friendship. "Oliver Sinclair was found murdered, and the top suspect is his son Andrew.”

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Now I understand the silence. We thought we had this situation figured out, but Andrew turned the tables in the most shocking way.

Hearing 'murderer' and 'Andrew' in the same sentence shouldn't surprise me, given what I know he's capable of, but it does. I feel myself crumble, legs giving way beneath me as I collapse back into the old plaid chair.

“You know,” I start, my voice barely above a whisper,“Peter confronted me one day. I was in the library studying. He told me he didn’t like Andrew. He warned me. If I had listened to him that day, none of us would be here right now.” I admit.“Part of that statement makes me feel…” I shake my head,“awful because I never would have met you, Julian.” I roll my lips.“Peter would have liked you. I think,” I snort,“he was my older brother, so he’d never fully like any guy I was dating. But I'd like to think in this fucked up mess that Peter sent me you."

Harper suddenly stands, tears streaming down her face.“I just need a minute,” she chokes out before rushing from the room.

As I start to follow, Julian blocks my path.“Give her a moment,” he urges, guiding me to the couch.“There’s more you need to know.”

I nod, steeling myself.“Just lay it on me.”

“We don’t have Andrew in custody.”

Bomb dropped.

It’s nuclear, speeding a sickness of fear that consumes me.

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