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“Tell me what you need?” Harper says.

“A lobotomy,” I scold as I turn on the shower.

“I can probably find an ice pick in this old house. Julian can hold you down, and I’ll start poking,” she replies. The shock is evident on her face. My beautiful best friend looks as lost and confused as I feel.

“Do you want me to come with you when you go see Henry?” Harper asks.

I turn the knob all the way to hot, hoping it will be scalding. After my shower, Julian is going to drive me to my parents' corporate office, where Henry works as CEO. I’m going to confront him. This time, I refuse to be invisible. I want answers, and I won’t leave until I get them.

“If you come, will you be silent?” I raise a brow.

“Silent?” She mocks.“What does that mean?”

“I need answers.”

“I can get them for you,” she crosses her arms.

“I think it’s best you stay here,” I reach for her arms,“I love you, but I need to fight this battle alone. Every other battle is fair game for you to fight for me.”

Her lips press into a thin line.“Remember not to tuck your thumb inside your fist when you punch. Always keep it on the outside.”

“This is a verbal battle.”

She shrugs,“Still good advice to have. You want a bottle of wasp spray?”

“No,” I feel a laugh trying to form on my lips. Harper’s always a balm to my wounds, and now Julian is the bandaid over that balm. Both of them, my first aid kit, mended me back to health.

Harper looks at the small mirror, which is filling with steam. She’s been quiet and distant, as if being here, back in our hometown, has ghosts haunting her, too.“Are you okay?” I ask.

“I’ve never been better. My bestie is getting closure,” she reaches out and cups my cheek. I just want you to be happy.”

“I want you to be happy too. What’s going on with you and Kent?” I ask her, feeling guilty I haven't probed more.

She drops her hand,“You’re wasting water,” she deflects as she turns my shoulders and slaps my ass,“Get in the shower so I can hear all the gossip once you're back.”

“Fine,” I glance back at her over my shoulder,“But you know what’s going to happen once we sort my life out, don’t you?”

Her brows inch up.

“We are going to sort outyourlife,” I promise her, and for the first time, I see genuine worry cover her beautiful face.

Chapter 40


"I'm ready," I admit as I step into the small living room, which screams 'not Harper' in every nook and cranny. It's decked out with old furniture that looks like it's seen better days—a periwinkle couch and two armchairs in plaid, a pattern I'm pretty sure Harper wouldn't be caught dead in. I'm baffled by the decor, but I guess if it's her safe house, disguise over style is her motto.

Yet, something feels off about this place, like it’s tweaking Harper's vibes in ways I can't pin down.

Harper reaches for the remote and mutes the TV with the urgency of someone silencing a bomb. Julian and she exchange one of those looks that could mean 'the apocalypse is nigh.'

Julian's phone, clutched in his hand, illuminates his face with the glow of an ongoing text saga.

“What’s happening?” I demand. They both have that‘just got punched in the gut’look—yeah, even Harper, because let’s face it, she’s more badass than any dude I’ve met.

I make myself at home in the ancient plaid chair, bracing for whatever news they’re about to drop like it's hot wax about to be ripped off my bikini line.

The TV screen, now muted, shows an aerial shot of a mansion swarmed by FBI and police cars. The headline reads,

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