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“What do you mean?”

“We had a team on him, but when they heard the gunshot, they entered the premises and... Andrew got away.”

Got away. Somehow, I knew it was too good to last.

“We’re going to find him,” Julian vows, trying to quell the storm brewing inside me. You can't stop a storm; you have to withstand it until it's finished with you.

Oh, Julian, always the knight. But even knights can't always slay every dragon.

Instead of crumbling, I let the fear and anger calcify, turning it into a cold resolve.

Andrew is on the run, scared. Good. Let him feel a fraction of the terror he’s inflicted.

“One issue at a time,” I say, my voice steady. It might sound adult of me like I'm handling this shocking news level-headed. In reality, it's just shock. All I can handle is one step at a time.

Julian’s eyes watch me closely as if I’m going to combust, and he’s got to catch all my broken pieces to make me whole again.

“Let’s go see my brother,” I say.

One step at a time, one page at a time, before I face the next chapter of this twisted story that is my life.

Chapter 41


“I feel like my bones are going to jump out of my skin,” I blurt out as I slide my sweaty palms under my thighs, hoping the fabric of the seat will absorb it along with all my emotions.“Will you still love me when I’m just a sack of wrinkled skin, Jules?” I glance at him as he steadily parks the car in the guest parking spot at CypherTech.

His hand leaves the wheel and cups my thigh.“I’ll always love you, Pumpkin.”

He parks the car and turns it off.“You ready?” His brow raises.

I nod.“Yeah, I am.” Answers are way overdue.

Julian gets out of the car, comes around, and opens my door. I’m still hesitating. He opens the palm of his hand, waiting for mine to find its proper place in it. I unbuckle, swing my legs out, and grasp his hand.

A relieved exhale flows from my lips, feeling like taking off jeans that were too tight. I can breathe now because I don’t have to fight alone. I’ve got sidekicks.

“What if Henry just ignores me?” I whisper, uncertainty weighing my words down as we start our walk up the neatly kept path to the corporate office. I’ve walked this route for three years but never really saw it—the way the path curls, lined by the vibrant roses that were probably always there. Back then, all that mattered was spotting where Henry’s car would be parked. I was so wrapped up in thoughts of my brother that life just...passed me by. I forgot what it was like just to stand still, take a deep breath of fresh air, look up at the clear blue sky, and feel the warmth of the sun on my face.

“I won’t allow that to happen,” Julian replies, his voice firm. He places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing before he leads the way. Together, we enter the office, greeted by the welcoming smile of a pleasant-looking receptionist.

That used to be me.

"Hi, welcome to CypherTech. Do you have an appointment?" she tosses the question our way, her eyes quickly flicking to her computer screen, likely trying to match us up with whoever's expected today. There's a warmth in her smile, and it's as if she's genuinely glad to see us. She's dressed sharp—her blouse and skirt combo screams 'I've got this,' but in a way that's more inviting than intimidating.

I don't think I ever looked as put together as she did when I worked here. I looked more like a child's drawing of a receptionist held together with tape. I never care deeply about my role here, just about getting Henry's attention.

“No, we don’t,” Julian answers.“We’re here to see Henry.”

She blinks,“Did you have an appointment?”

“This is his sister, Poppy. She needs to speak to him.”

Julian's tone could silence a concert of Taylor Swift fans. It's cold, deadly.

She inches back her chair,“Let me call his secretary. One moment.” She picks up the phone, and with each passing second, I feel like I might pass out.

I turn and look around the lobby. It’s smaller than Sterling Defense but still elegantly designed. Sleek dark wood covers the floor, and light grey armchairs make a small yet cozy seating area. There are beverages and a coffee machine. To the left is a wall of frames.

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