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Connor grins, “Mom, you fell asleep halfway through the movie.”

I smile, “I guess I was more tired than I realized.”

Carson frowns and gives me a look filled with concern. “You aren’t coming down with something, are you?”

I automatically start to shake my head no and then hesitate. “You know, I had a headache earlier. That’s probably why I’ve been feeling a little drained.”

I see Carson’s frown clear. He reaches down and pulls me up beside him.

“Why don’t you go to bed early? Maybe that will help,” the concern in his voice, doing a number on my already overwhelmed emotions.

I draw in a shaky breath. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.” I inwardly wince at my words.

In the bedroom, I get ready for bed. The comfort of the thin cotton feels reassuring against my skin. I crawl between the cool sheets and fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.



It’s the end of the week. I grimace as I glance at the clock. It’s another late night at the office. I force my attention back to the handful of people sitting around the wide conference table. Its mahogany surface is polished to a high shine that gleams from the fluorescent lights above.

“Gentlemen, is there anything else we need to discuss, or can we conclude the meeting?”

I see nods of relief as briefcases are snapped open and chairs are scraped back. I give a cynical smile. They didn’t get exactly what they wanted, but neither did I. I held firm in the face of their joint opposition. In the long run, I secured another two years with our biggest client.

Knight Security is massive. Even though we’re headquartered in Jacksonville, we have clients all over the country; we take care of their every security need. We monitor and maintain their security cameras and any surveillance. Two years ago, we agreed to partner on some software with Val’s family company, Carlucci Software, and that was a strategic move. It placed us in a superior position over the competition.

As the door shuts behind the last person, I stand up and stretch, the familiar ache in my lower back, a dull throb. This is the third time this week that I’ve been caught at the office for one reason or another.

A victory for Knight Security, but the satisfaction feels hollow. I shake my head at the irony. There was a time when I would rather be at work than at home.

Now, with Anna and Connor, I almost resent the time away from them. These late nights feel like stolen moments. Some CEO I am, I think with a laugh. But I know that the early years of ceaseless effort have put the company in an enviable position. Now, it practically runs itself. Well, almost, I admit, with a smirk.

I reach for the familiar, worn leather of my briefcase—home beacons, more alluring than the thrill of closing this deal.

The apartment’s silence lets me know that everyone is already in bed. I softly walk through the dimly lit rooms and approach Connor’s bed. I quietly open the door and look over at him. I was only going to check on him, but the quiet, rhythmic sound of his breathing lures me forward.

I walk into his room and then settle into the armchair. I lean my head wearily back against its plush back and close my eyes as I listen to the contented sound of my son’s breathing.

My son. Even now, it brings a smile to my face. Living my life as a bachelor I had no idea of the joy and contentment that a child could bring. And Anna, even though I sit here, there’s a part of me that won’t be satisfied until I pull her warm body up against my chest. Only then do I fall into a deep sleep.

She warms my bed and my heart. I’m torn because I crave a deeper connection with her, but I shudder at the thought of marriage. But what future do we have together, if not marriage?

I guess we could keep the status quo, but… I shake my head. I want the vows. I want a woman, a wife that I can trust—someone who will stand beside me through thick and thin, rich or poor. I give a bitter, silent laugh as I recognize the familiar words. They’re marriage vows. Sickness or in health. Dammit! They mean something. How could she just ignore them? Knowing they mean nothing to her cuts deep, like a sharp knife.

Can I offer her marriage feeling the way I do? I grimace. My feelings run deep. I hesitate to think about the word love… but I know what we have feels right. She’s everything I ever wanted in a partner. The sex is phenomenal and off the charts. Hell, even the way she cooks and cares for me and Connor is more than I ever dreamed. She just plain cares.

I’m sure being married to such an older man wasn’t easy. Her sexual appetites match mine. For now, we’ll live together and raise our son. That will have to be enough; I can’t offer her anything more. A heavy sigh escapes my lips. Decision made, I wearily stand and make my way into the master bedroom.

Anna lies curled on her side, her knees drawn up to her stomach. Her chestnut hair lies like a dark banner against the white sheets. Her dark lashes against her pale skin make her look young, like a child. My eyes travel over her body, visible beneath the thin white nightgown.

As I observe her lush form, I give a smug smile. Definitely not a child. No, a grown woman. My eyes trace the firm curve of her hip: her bronze thigh and shapely leg peek out from beneath the covers. My eyes travel back up to her breasts as they push against the top of her nightgown. I know the weight of them as they fill my hands.

I’m suddenly hard and aching. My cock throbs with need. I quietly undress and crawl naked between the sheets. I reach out and pull Anna back against my bare chest. I have a moment’s hesitation as I think of the dark circles under her eyes, she’s seemed so exhausted lately. Then she stirs restlessly in my arms, pushing her firm bottom against my stiff erection.

My hands reach around to her front as I grope her breasts through the thin nightgown. I feel them pebble at my touch. One minute, she’s asleep; the next, she’s giving a low moan as she pushes back against me. Her need matches my own. I grab the hem of her nightgown and pull it up around her waist, baring her smooth, firm ass.

Keeping her back to me, I lift her thigh and slide between her legs. My cock is eager to probe into her warm core. I hold back, reaching down to see if she’s ready for me. I slowly push in a finger, knuckle deep. She squirms restlessly, and I feel her wetness.

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