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I silently slip into her slick folds from behind, pulling her toward me until I’m in, to the hilt. I pause for a moment - feeling like I’ve come home. I squeeze her breasts through the fabric as they fill my hands. Then they travel back to her hips as I anchor them and begin to slowly but steadily stroke into her.

I slowly increase the pace but maintain my steady strokes even as I grit my teeth to stay the course. I feel her flutter, the beginnings of a tremor, and then she unexpectedly shatters in my arms. I hold her until she’s finished, and then it’s my turn as I pump in and out a few more times, and just as unexpectedly, I climax, filling her.

I hold her as our breathing slows. I lean my head down and kiss the top of her head, her hair. This is probably the first time I’ve made love to her silently. Not a word was spoken. I can tell she’s already fallen back to sleep. I stay connected to her while I hold her. I realize my word choice. Made love. Yes, this felt like more than just sex. It felt like making love… with Anna.

I fall asleep with my arms wrapped around her, holding her close against my heart.

It’s morning when I open my eyes. My arms are empty, and I’m alone in the bed. I lay there for a moment or two listening. It takes a minute to realize it’s the weekend. I don’t need to jump up and get to the office. I grin and then stretch lazily. I hear the familiar theme song of the SpongeBob Square Pants and have to smile. There’s a part of me that misses not being in the living room sharing this special moment with my son.

But there’s another part of me that wants a long, hot shower. I hear the front door being opened and an exchange of voices. Then the door closes. I frown. I start to sit up when the bedroom door opens, and Anna walks in, a sly grin on her face. She’s dressed in her nightgown from last night with a robe over it.

I lean back in the bed and prop my hands under my head. “Who was at the door?” My voice curious.

Anna gives me a slow, sexy smile. “Your mom. She picked up Connor to take him to the Museum of Science of History. She’ll drop him off later this afternoon.” She then takes off her robe and nightgown. My eyes admire her slender form and sweet curves.

My grin grows to mirror Anna’s, “Later this afternoon?” She nods, “That’s right.”

I reach out and snag her hand, then I give a careful jerk, and she lands on my chest with a soft gasp. My arms instantly wrap around her, trapping her against my body. She doesn’t try to escape. Instead, I feel her lips begin to trace my tribal tattoo softly.

“I was thinking we could take a long hot shower, but now, I’m thinking we can wait. Until after.”

She looks up at me coyly, “After what?”

I roll until she’s under me. Nudging her legs apart with my thigh, I settle in between them.

“This,” I groan as I enter her in one powerful stroke.

Anna pours me another cup of coffee and she sips her morning tea. We’ve spent most of the morning in bed and in the large shower. Taking Anna when she’s wet and soapy started the day off right. It’s a routine I could get used to.

I rub my full stomach, “Breakfast was delicious. Thank you.” She smiles at my sincere compliment. She always seems surprised when I thank her for cooking.

I lean back in my chair and say with a smirk, “Great food, great sex. A man could get used to waking up like this every day.” I say it with a teasing smile, but I’m only half joking.

I see her smile falter, and I frown, “What’s wrong, Anna?”

She turns toward me with a hesitant smile, “Carson. I wanted to talk to you about… our future.”

Instantly, I feel my defenses rise, and my face hardens. I try to hide my knee-jerk reaction to her question as I feel her eyes study me. “Go on,” I mutter softly, not knowing if I want to stop her or not.

She licks her lips and then says faintly, “I guess I wondered if you feel we have a future together. As a couple and as a family.”

“We already are a family, Anna. Regardless of any label.” I see a shadow cross her eyes, and it leaves me feeling on edge.

“So, um… our relationship. Do you want any more children?” She asks softly.

I suddenly sit up straight as my eyes narrow on her face. “Are you asking about marriage, Anna?”

“No, not really. I’m trying to find out how you feel about children and—“

“I don’t,” I say firmly. She gives a confused frown, “You don’t… what? You wouldn’t want another child.”

I stand up and pace, “I don’t want to get married. I don’t want the institution of marriage. Not with you—“ When she winces, I try to quantify it, “Anna, I just… I’m not ready to offer marriage yet. Not now… maybe not ever. I don’t know. So, for now. No. I don’t want to even think about having another child.” Her eyes darken with emotion from the pain my words inflict.

Walking back to the table, I slide into my chair. “I’m sorry if that hurts you. I don’t mean to—“

“No, I… I understand, Carson,” she stammers, but I see the wounded deer look in her eyes.

I lean forward, “Anna. I have feelings for you. I just don’t know about all the rest right now. Let’s just enjoy what we have. Okay?”

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