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“No. I am not going willingly.” I turn my attention to Adrian. “You don’t want to marry me. I’m pregnant.”

It was as if time stood still. No one said a word or even dared to breathe.

“You are not,” my father hisses.

Adrian's face pales as he looks at me in disbelief, his eyes wide with shock. My mother's expression is a mix of surprise and anger, her gaze flickering between me and Adrian. My father's jaw clenches, and I can see the storm brewing behind his eyes as he processes my words.

“I am. It’s Hunter’s baby. Do you really think he’s going to walk away from me and his child?”

“It doesn’t matter. Get her in the car. We’re leaving. We’ll sort this out later.”

I have to give Hunter time to get to me. I know if this is our only chance. “I’m not leaving!”

I open my mouth and start to scream.

The sound that emerged from my throat was primal, a raw and guttural cry that echoed through the room, shattering the silence like glass. My father's face contorted in rage as he lunged towards me, his hand raised to strike. But before he could lay a finger on me, my mother stepped between us, her arms outstretched in a protective stance.

"Stop!" she commanded, her voice firm and unwavering. "You will not lay a hand on her."

My father hesitated, his chest heaving with anger as he glared at my mother.

“We leave now. If you scream like that again, I will stuff a sock in your mouth.”

“I’m not going quietly,” I tell him.

He grabs my arm and drags me towards the door. I push at him, jerking my arm away. “I hate you. I will forever hate you.”

Adrian opens the door and I see two more men. I want to cry. Even if I get away from my father, I won’t get far. I don’t want to risk them hurting me or my baby. I go quietly, tears streaming down my face as I accept defeat. My father gets into the front passenger seat with my mother going around to get in on the other side.

Just as the door of the SUV opens, I hear my name.

Everyone turns just in time to see Hunter running towards us. I’m shoved into the SUV that takes off before the door is even closed.

“No!” I scream. The door slams shut with the sound of finality. I watch through the tinted window as Hunter tries to catch up, his face contorted in a mix of fear and despair. My mother glances at me with sympathy.

“It’s time to let go,” she quietly says.

We reach the private airport, my father getting out of the car and jerking open my door. “Get on the plane, now.”

I climb out of the SUV. “Dad, please,” I beg one last time.

“Get on the plane!”

I hear screeching tires and turn to see our junker car speeding towards us with another SUV right behind it. Hunter hits the brakes and hops out of the car. My gun is in his hands and aimed directly at my father.

“Move away from him, Paige,” Hunter orders.

“Hunter, don’t do this.” I walk towards him only to be jerked back by one of the men.

“Touch her again and it will be the last thing you do,” Hunter’s voice is a low growl. “She’s not going with you.”

“She’s coming home where she belongs,” my father declares.

Hunter looks at me. “What do you want, Paige? Do you want to go back with them or stay with me?”

“I want to be with you,” I tell him without hesitation.

“You heard her,” Hunter says. “The police are on the way. She’s an adult. She can choose what she wants to do. You’ll be charged with kidnapping and a whole host of other charges.”

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