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No one says a word. I can feel the tension. I’m afraid to move a muscle for fear of setting off any of the men that are all acting like rabid animals ready to attack at any second. I know Hunter will lose. There are too many of them.

“Dad, please,” I ask again. “I’m sorry, but I cannot marry Adrian. I love Hunter and he is where I belong.”

“If you stay here, you’ll be cut off for good,” my father’s voice was low and threatening. “You’ve embarrassed us for the last time. You will never get a penny from us.”

“That's fine. I'm done playing by your rules. I’m done living a life that's not my own. I love Hunter and I belong with him. We don’t need your money.”

His grip on me tightens, his anger simmering just beneath the surface, but I stand my ground, unwavering in my conviction.

“Let her go,” Mom says. “She’s never going to stop trying to run. You could face very real consequences if she goes to the police.”

“You disgust me.” My father releases me and turns his back. I don’t hesitate to go to Hunter.

“Let’s go Adrian,” my father calls from the bottom of the steps. “We’ll figure something else out.”

My mother stands on the tarmac, looking at me with sadness and maybe even shame. I don't spare her a second glance as Hunter pulls me into a tight embrace, shielding me from the chaos unfolding behind us. The engines on the planes fire up. I look back and watch my mother go up the stairs with Adrian behind her. Hunter squeezes me tighter, a silent promise of protection and unwavering support.

We watch as the plane takes flight as if to make sure they won’t come back and change their minds.

“Let’s go home,” he says quietly.

Chapter eighteen


My hands start to shake as I start the car. I can’t believe I just did that. She’s safe. I keep reminding myself she’s okay. She’s with me.

I turn to look at her, needing that reassurance. “Are you okay?” I ask.

I can see her eyes are red and her cheeks are stained with dried tears. My heart hurts for her. I realize I came within seconds of losing her. If they would have got her on that plane, I would never see her again.

“I’m okay,” she smiles through a fresh wave of tears. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” I ask as I drive away from the airport.

“I wasn’t paying attention. By the time I noticed the men, it was too late. They were on me. It happened so fast.”

“Don’t be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just so glad you are okay. You’re safe.”

We got back to the apartment. I had never been so happy to return to a hovel. But it was our home. It was what we did on our own.

We walk through the door, and she crumples into my arms. I hold her close, her warmth pressed against me. I can feel the tension draining from her body, replaced by a sense of relief and exhaustion. We move to sit down on our crappy couch, both of us sinking into the middle.

“What happened?” I asked.

She takes a deep breath, her voice shaky as she recounts the events that unfolded in that hotel room. “Adrian was mad, but my father—”

She took a shaky breath. “I’ve never seen him like that. He was so angry. I have never been a saint. He’s been mad at me before. One time I took his Lamborghini out and totaled it. He was mad, but not like this. One time I hopped a flight and went to St. Tropez with a couple of friends and didn’t call them for like four days. They were both really mad, but it was more like don’t do it again.”

I realize she’s lived a very luxurious life. And has been very spoiled. “Maybe this time it’s because you weren’t relying on him and his money.”

“He wants me to be under his control,” she sighs. “I’m a pawn. He was so angry.”

I notice the red on her cheek. “What’s that?” I ask, touching the spot on her cheek.

She cups her face. “My dad. He got mad.”

Fury rolls through me. "Did he... did he hit you?" My voice is hoarse, strangled by the rage constricting my throat at the mere thought of it.

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