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We arrive at a hotel, not great, but better than the last two we’ve been at. “I’ll go in and pay,” I tell her. “Just in case your name and face is out there.”

She nods. “Thanks.”

It takes a little cajoling to get the receptionist to give me a room with only cash, but she does. I came up with a wild story of getting mugged, explaining the bruising on my face. She took pity on me and handed over the key.

I park the car near the side entrance to avoid walking Paige through the lobby. Once in the room, I immediately lock the door and slide a chair in front of it. Paige drops her suitcase on the bed and stretches her arms a bit.

She turns around and looks at me, her eyes searching mine. I can see the fear and want nothing more than to take it away. The last few days have been stressful for both of us, but I know we've got each other's backs.

Paige takes a deep breath. "Thank you. For everything. You saved me."

I smile, knowing it's more than just a physical rescue. "You saved yourself too, Paige. Don't forget that."

We sit down on the bed next to each other, both exhausted but aware that we have a moment to share a quiet connection. We lean against each other, and for the first time since we met, I feel like I can trust someone completely.

"Are you going back to LA?" she asks quietly. “You said you would get me to Miami. We’re here. Are you going to leave?”

I hesitate, unsure of what to say. Part of me wants nothing more than to return to the familiarity of my old life. I had a job, probably not anymore, but I could get another job as a pilot. I had an apartment and a life. But another part of me knows that I can't just abandon Paige, not after everything we've been through together. My life back in LA wasn’t exactly all that fulfilling. I had a couple of friends that I rarely saw. I didn’t have a family. I didn’t even have a dog.

"Not yet," I reply finally. "I'll stick around for a bit, make sure you're okay. If you don’t mind me tagging along and crowding your space."

I can see the relief wash over her face at my words, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “I think I can tolerate you a little longer.”

I lean over and kiss her. “Shower. I stink. My muscles are stiff.”

“Can I join you?”

“I was hoping you would.”

Together, we strip down and step into the steaming hot shower. The water cascades down upon us, washing away the dirt and grime of our journey. We stand under it for a long time, simply enjoying the feeling of being clean and safe. It’s not sexual. It’s not about that. It's about holding each other in a moment of safety and comfort.

As we step out of the shower, we wrap towels around ourselves and make our way back to the bed. We sit close, still touching, our bodies warm from the shower.

"What now?" Paige asks, her voice barely a whisper.

"Now, we figure out what comes next. Together," I say, my voice equally soft.

We get dressed, planning to catch up on some much-needed sleep. We crawl under the covers with the AC on high. The blanket is a comfort. It’s not about staying warm. I can't shake the feeling of unease that lingers in the back of my mind. We may have made it to Miami, but our troubles are far from over.

We both fall asleep almost immediately with my arm protectively wrapped around her, holding her close to me.

A few hours later, I woke up feeling refreshed. And hungry. Paige was in the bathroom putting on a little makeup. She was starting to look like the woman I met in the airport.

“You didn’t wake me,” I say.

“You looked so comfortable. And you did the bulk of the driving. You needed the sleep.”

“I’m starving.” I got out of bed and stretched. My muscles hurt from so much sitting. “Do you want to go get something to eat?”

“I was thinking we could go for a walk on the beach,” she says with a smile. “Get some tacos from one of the food trucks.”

“That sounds like a very good plan,” I nod.

She puts on a baseball cap and her sunglasses which aren’t really a great disguise, but she’ll blend in. I have my own hat and shades.

She pauses just before we open the door. “If they see us, what’s the plan?”

“Run. Get back here. I’ll come back here and meet you.”

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