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She takes a deep breath. “Okay.”

We step outside, the warm sea breeze caressing our faces as we walk hand in hand towards the beach. As expected, the beach is packed. We make our way to one of the many food trucks and order some street tacos.

"I can't believe we made it," she says. Paige turns to look at me, a small smile playing on her lips. "Because of you, I made it.

I give her a weak smile, trying to hide the self-doubt that lingers in my heart. "It was just luck, and you were the one that plotted this escape. For someone who says they aren’t a master spy, you did pretty good."

She shakes her head. "No, it was more than luck. I don't know what I would have done without you. My plan would have failed."

I am glad it was me that flew her out of California. She might very well be married right now to a man she hated if anyone else would have taken that charter. We finish our tacos and make our way down to the beach. I didn’t bring swim trunks because I expected to be on a turn and burn in Nebraska. I never expected to find myself on a beach. But here I am and I honestly wouldn’t change anything.

We walk along the shoreline with the warm sun on our faces. It's the perfect moment of peace. I’m still on alert and I know she is as well, but I’m hoping the crowd will keep anyone from attacking us. Although, it hasn’t really stopped them before. For them to find us now, it would be a needle in a haystack. I would have to believe they had some kind of GPS on her person. I don’t want to get too comfortable, but I think she might be in the clear for now.

Even as we enjoy our respite, floating in the bubble of peace that we've found on this crowded beach, I keep an eye on our surroundings. I watch the families playing in the sand, the surfers battling waves, and the people just like us- trying to lose themselves in the anonymity of a crowded place.

"What are you thinking?" Paige asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

"I'm thinking," I begin, shifting my gaze to meet hers. "I really wish I would have brought swim trunks.”

She giggles softly. “I brought a few bikinis.”

“Because you knew where you were going.”

“True,” she smiles, resting her head against my shoulder.

We walk a little farther down the beach. "So, what's your long-term plan?" I ask finally. “Will you be calling your family anytime soon and let them know you’re okay?”

She shakes her head. "Not until I know for sure they won't come after me."

I nod, understanding the gravity of her decision. Family should be a source of comfort and support, but for Paige, they represent nothing but danger and betrayal.

"And when will you know you're safe?" I ask.

She sighs and stared out at the ocean. "I plan to change my appearance somewhat and keep a low profile," she explains. "I'll need to get a job, but I have no idea what I'll do. I've never worked before. When I can wake up without worrying someone is going to try and kidnap me or run me off the road, I’ll feel safe—ish. I don’t know if they’ll ever stop looking for me. I hope someone will hire me. If I can’t find a way to support myself, my escape might have been for nothing."

I can't help but chuckle at her admission. "A pampered princess, huh?" I tease.

She laughs, the sound light and carefree despite the weight of our conversation. "You're not wrong," she admits with a sheepish grin. "But I'm willing to learn, to do whatever it takes to make this new life work."

“You will,” I nod confidently. “I know you will.”

Chapter thirteen


Six weeks have slipped by fairly quickly. Each day blending into the next in a blur of routine and survival. Hunter and I have settled into our new life in Miami, carving out a humble existence in a tiny apartment on the outskirts of the city. It’s nothing like I’m used to, but we’re making it work. It’s kind of nice being in close proximity to him. We’ve spent six weeks getting to know each other very, very well.

Sometimes, I get a little panicky about the idea Hunter might wake up one day and decide he’s tired of this life. He spends his days toiling away in the sweltering heat of the Miami sun. His hands are calloused from the hard labor of construction work. It's not a glamorous job, but it puts food on the table and keeps a roof over our heads.

But he doesn’t have to live like this. He is a pilot. He’s even said he might one day try to get a job as a pilot. Unfortunately, he can’t use his real identity right now. Not when he’s with me. We already know my parents and Adrian know about Hunter. They’ll be looking for him. The moment he steps back into his true identity, they’ll find me. I know the sacrifices he’s making. It kills me but I feel selfish. I don’t want him to go.

I step into the bathroom and almost don’t recognize myself. I've taken drastic measures to alter my appearance, cutting my hair short and dyeing it blonde in a desperate attempt to throw off anyone who might be searching for me. Hunter has let his facial hair grow out, his hair a little longer as well. It's amazing what a change in appearance can do to cloak our identities and keep us hidden from prying eyes.

I reach for my mascara and quickly get ready for work. Me—working. It still something I’m trying to get my head around. My mother would have an absolute conniption fit if she knew I worked as a waitress. Not even a waitress at an upscale restaurant. I work at a cafe that specializes in Cuban food. My days are filled with the endless chatter of customers and the clatter of dishes. It's not the life I imagined for myself, but it's a means to an end, a way to keep the wolves at bay and maintain some semblance of normalcy in our chaotic world.

I check the time and realize I need to get moving or I’m going to be late. My manager doesn’t allow for tardiness. I’ve seen him fire three waitresses since I started working there. I understand why he gave me the job now. He’s a hard man to work for and people don’t last for long. He is also a man that doesn’t particularly care for taxes and government laws.

Hunter and I both bought new IDs. They aren’t great, but they work in a pinch. We both get paid under the table and don’t have bank accounts. Our rent is paid in cash. Everything is cash. I miss credit cards and shopping, but It's a small price to pay for the anonymity and freedom I wanted.

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