Page 21 of Fallen

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“Then you know he fell…fell for me.”

“What is your point?” she asks.

“He will kill you.”

This time she laughs out loud. “Zaph isn’t a killer.”

“Are you?”

She pauses. “Stand up.”

“I can’t. My hands are tied behind my back. I don’t have wings like you.” I feel a wisp of wind and warm hands wrap around my wrists, lifting me off of a chair. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. I’m the one tasked with taking your life.”

“I don’t think you want to do that. If you did, you would’ve killed me already instead of helping me to my feet.” I pray I’m right.

“Don’t assume you know me, human.”

“Lucy,” I interrupt. “My name is Lucy, and I’m the mother of a very obese basset hound who I’m desperately worried about. I’m working on my doctoral degree, and I’m thousands of dollars in debt. I barely have enough money to pay my bills, but that doesn’t mean I want to die.”

“Dying is easy,” she answers. Her voice is soft. “Living is the hard part.”

“You can go back.”

She laughs loudly. “You can never return. It’s one of the rules. It’s the only rule.”

“You don’t have to do her bidding. You can leave.”

“Lilith will seek me no matter where I go. The world is not large enough to escape. The same for Zaphriel. She won’t stop until she has him in her grips.”


“Because that’s the way it is. Lilith is the mother of all fallen angels. We serve her.”

The sound of a door opening stops her from talking. I feel the wind as a second angel approaches us. “What are you doing?” the deep voice of the blonde angel, Zephriel echoes through the room. “Why is she still alive?”

“I was just about to take care of her.”

A warm hand caresses my cheek. “I see what my baby brother sees in you.” His thumb lingers on my lip. “Human women have always held a certain—draw.”

I turn my face away from his hand, resisting the urge to spit in his face. “He’s stronger than you will ever be,” I spew.

Zephriel laughs deeply. “My brother couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag.” He lifts the blindfold away from my eyes, revealing we’re inside a small room with concrete walls, floor, and ceiling. Standing behind the familiar blonde angel is the woman who was assigned to kill me. Her bronze skin is in stark contrast to her bright hazel eyes. She’s beautiful.

Zephriel turns toward the woman. “If you can’t do your job, I’ll be happy to.” He steps even closer. “Maybe I’ll show you what a real angel is capable of.”

“I don’t think that’s what Lilith had in mind.”

“Get out, Lumiel.”

“No,” she answers. “I’m charged with finishing her, not you.”

Zephriel turns toward the angel so quickly I barely track his movement. He backhands her across the cheek, knocking her across the room and into the wall behind her. She leaves an indentation in the concrete where her body hit.

She’s off the wall in an instant and back in front of the giant angel. “Don’t raise a hand to me again, Zephriel. I am not scared of you.”

He moves toward her. This time, she kicks out, knocking his feet out from under him. He hits the ground with a hard thud.

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