Page 12 of Fallen

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“How the hell can this be true? You’re my guardian angel?”

“I was,” he whispers.

“You saved me from the mountain.”

“I did.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Why what?”

“Why did you fall?”

“Because I was weak and couldn’t wait for you.”

I stand, moving in front of him. “What does that mean?”

He looks down. “It means I’m not as strong as I should be. It means I put you in danger when I know better.” He looks up, glancing between my eyes. “It means I’m weak.”

“Is that why I feel comfortable around you?”

“Probably,” he whispers.

“Why Bob loves you?”

He nods. “Bob can see me. Animals can see through the veil. He’s known me all of his life. Now he sees me more clearly.”

“What about your brother?”

Zaph moves away. “Zephriel fell millennia ago. He chose to follow someone he shouldn’t have.”


“No. Azazel is not what he’s portrayed as. Zephriel chose to follow Lilith and was thrown out of heaven for it.”

My mind reels through the information overload. Nothing he’s said is new, but until hearing it from an angel, I believed it to be nothing more than false beliefs, theories, and conspiracies.

“Who is waiting for you?” I ask, remembering his brother’s words.

“Lilith. When an angel falls, they’re expected to join her.”

“Join her? Is that a requirement?”

“No one falls unless it’s to follow Lilith.”

I stare at Zaph, not sure what to say. “You fell for me?” My words are no louder than a whisper.

“I shouldn’t have told you.” He turns, moving away from me. “I’m weak. Zephriel’s right.”

I step behind him, putting my hand on his arm. “What’s special about me?”

He’s quiet for so long, I don’t think he’s going to answer. “The two of us have always been. Between lives we’re…”

“We’re what?” He doesn’t answer. “We’re what, Zaph?”

“Lovers. We’re lovers.” His voice is no louder than a whisper.

Lovers? Hell, I’ve only slept with two men my entire life. Once in high school which lasted all of three minutes, and once in undergrad. Neither was anything memorable. To hear that I have an angelic lover throws me for a loop.

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