Page 11 of Fallen

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“I chose to fall.”

I stare at the man in front of me. “I don’t understand. Pretend you’re talking to a kindergarten student.”

He smirks. “I’ve been with you since before you were born. I’ve always been with you.”

“That makes no sense. We’ve never met until yesterday.”

“In person, no. But I’ve always been with you.” He stands and walks to the foot of the bed. “I’m your guardian, assigned to you from the beginning.”

“Zaph, what the hell are you talking about?”

He paces between the window and the door. “Angels hold different hierarchies. We each have different jobs to fulfill. Mine is guardian.”

“You’re my guardian?”

“I was.”

“Why have I never seen you before?”

He runs a hand through thick black hair. “Because guardians are never to be seen. We protect you when necessary and guide you to the next life when this one is over. We’re never meant to be seen on this plane.”

“Why are you here?” I whisper.

Zaph turns, facing me. “Because I was weak.” He pauses. “I wanted to be with you.”

As hot as he is, his words send both comfort and fear through me. “Be with me?”

“This is going to sound strange.”

I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Because what you just confessed sounded normal?” I don’t know whether to be freaked out or turned on. I settle with a mix of both.

“We’ve known each other through many lifetimes. I’ve been your guardian through all of them and in between.”

I don’t know how to respond. Do I kick him out of my house or allow him to continue with this story?

“You broke your wrist when you were five. You backed your big wheel up, copying the moves of your father, and backed off the edge of the driveway. You landed on your wrist. You hated wearing that cast and when they pulled it off, it was full of small toys and paper clips.”

My mind flashes back to the moment my bone cracked as I hit the concrete below. “Do you have access to my medical records? That’s highly illegal.”

“No, I was with you when it happened.”

“That’s impossible.”

“When you were ten, you nearly drowned. You jumped into the pool’s deep end while a friend of your dad’s was supposed to be watching you. He was too busy smoking and wasn’t paying attention. I had to kick the chair out from underneath him for him to realize you were under for the last time. He saved you at the last minute.”

I slide to the edge of my bed. “How do you know that?”

“Lucy, I was there.”

“When you were working on your undergraduate degree, you stopped at a red light, ready to get home. You were exhausted and bleary-eyed. The light turned green, but there was a dump truck heading straight for you and wasn’t going to stop at the light.”

My mind flashes to the moment in my past. A moment that has haunted me since it happened. I remember thinking that the moment the light turned green, I would floor it and get home. When the light turned, I didn’t move. Something overtook me, and I sat there, completely blanked out. It wasn’t until the dump truck passed that I woke up and realized what could’ve just happened. There was no way I would’ve survived the hit.

“That was you?”

“Yes. You would’ve died. It wasn’t your time.”

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