Page 83 of Mating their Omega

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“We accept your show of faith,” Alpha Wynn said. “However, we request one more demonstration of solidarity. Shiloh here is a member of my pack.” Murmurs broke out among the Blood Moon shifters, who undoubtedly found it strange for an Alpha to claim a witch. “With your permission, she will check you for remnants of the spell you claim to have been under.”

It was a challenge, and if Marcel refused, Blood Moon would suffer.

He nodded tightly, giving Shiloh permission to approach. Shiloh ran her hands over him, humming softly to herself.

Without speaking, she turned to Alpha Wynn and inclined her head.

“It seems you told us the truth.”

“I have no reason to lie,” Marcel said. “Despite what you believe of unsanctioned packs, most do their best to stay far away from those who have abandoned us.”

“Abandoned?” Alpha Wynn said. “Is that what you think sanctioned packs have done?”

“That is what we know. When the Council rose to power, they gave all shifters two options: conform to the new ways of living or die by the old. Unsanctioned packs chose to honor our ancestors—our Goddess—and we suffered greatly for it. Sanctioned packs turned their back on the ways of shifters in favor of false promises.”

Marcel took a breath before continuing. “While they coddled you into submission, we were cut off from food, resources, and society as a whole. None of the sanctioned packs stood up for us, their kin. A label was enough for you to see us as other. Sanctioned packs overlooked our suffering and isolation at the hands of the Council. But that wasn’t the worst of it. Eventually, we found our way by sticking to our roots and learning to live off the land. We embraced the skills of our ancestors and grew closer to our wolves. However, we didn’t foresee the dark witches.”

Alpha Wynn frowned. “Did they find you?”

“No, they were brought to us—guided to our lands by the Council. We foolishly thought they would leave us alone when we jumped off their playing board. We were wrong. They use unsanctioned packs like cattle. We are nothing but things for their witches to torture or experiment on.”

“What are they trying to find or make?” Alpha Wynn asked.

“We’re not sure.” Marcel shook his head. “No one returns after being taken.”


I remembered Myla’s words about Alpha Kane trading wolves for magical items. He learned that trick from the Council. But more importantly, Marcel had established the Council as our mutual enemy.

“We’re being hunted,” Marcel said. “It’s a big reason why our packs are so well hidden.”

“Who will be the Alpha of Blood Moon now?” asked Wynn. “You?”

Marcel shrugged. “That depends on the pack. If other males think they can do a better job, we’ll have a match, as is tradition.”

Alpha Wynn nodded, no doubt approving of Marcel’s reply.

“Alpha Wynn, a word,” I said before the Alphas could dismiss the Blood Moon pack.

I approached the Alpha, keeping my voice low as I said, “I think you should ally with Blood Moon. Think about it—the Council wants us separated. It would allow us to do what’s never been done before. We would bring shifters back together the way the Goddess intended.”

His expression was thoughtful. “I think you’re right.”

Alpha Wynn turned to Declan, and they spoke quietly to one another.

Silas leaned into me. “What was that about?”

“I was urging Alpha Wynn to take another leap of faith,” I replied.

The Alphas faced Marcel, their expressions unreadable.

“Alpha Marcel, we have a proposition for you.”

Chapter 28


I never thought I’d see the day an unsanctioned pack allied with a sanctioned one, much less ours.

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