Page 82 of Mating their Omega

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Silas and Theron followed suit, returning to their human skin.

Silver Fang, Hidden Creek, and Blood Moon wolves shifted around us. They naturally migrated toward the members of their packs, leaving Blood Moon wolves on one side of the field and Silver Fang and Hidden Creek on the other. The air crackled with electricity as the two camps sized each other up.

“Come on, Myla,” Theron whispered, carefully avoiding her shoulder as he stroked her coat.

She blinked up at me. Her wolf looked exhausted, probably due to blood loss.

This is the last thing we need from you. My wolf gently prodded her with his nose. Then, I promise you can rest.

She snorted. Her attitude was a welcome contradiction to her sluggish movements.

The process was much slower than I liked, but she finally shifted.

Silas caught her body when she collapsed backward.

“Shit,” Theron said, pressing his hand to her shoulder to stop the bleeding.

I shifted as Gentry returned with Korren in tow.

Korren knelt beside Myla and got to work.

“It’s a good thing you came to get me,” Korren said. “The asshole nicked her axillary vein.”

“Her what?”

Korren rolled his eyes. “Never mind. She would have bled out if I arrived a moment later.”

Voices rose behind me, and I turned to face the gathered wolves. There was some sort of commotion within the Blood Moon ranks.

“Gentry, help me hold her still. Theron, you support her head. Silas and Bowen, you go to the Alpha,” Korren ordered. I was about to protest when Korren held up a hand. “No. I’ve got Myla covered. You’re no use to me here.”

He was right. There was nothing I could do but watch him work. It didn’t mean I had to like it, though.

Silas and I reluctantly headed toward the middle of the clearing. Alpha Wynn and Alpha Declan stood side by side, facing the wolves from Blood Moon.

I paused for a moment, noticing Blythe standing just behind Alpha Declan as he shielded her from the Blood Moon males.

“Get the fuck off me!” someone shouted. “This is treason. Each and every one of you will pay for your betrayal!”

The Blood Moon pack parted, and a male was dragged forward and pushed to his knees in front of the Alphas. Three others joined him in the dirt, and a line of males barred the red-faced shifters from fleeing.

A burly male with rugged features and wild black hair stepped into the clearing, maintaining eye contact with the Alphas.

“On behalf of the Blood Moon pack, I, Marcel D’agata, petition for forgiveness for the actions of our forefathers. Please know that Kane’s decisions did not reflect the will of the pack.”

“What is your will?” Alpha Wynn asked.

“We wish to leave in peace. We’re requesting a chance to rebuild.”

“You speak as if you were forced here today,” Alpha Declan said. “Why should we believe you?”

“We were. Kane has ruled Blood Moon for years.” Marcel spat on the ground as if that fact disgusted him. “He was no true Alpha. He won no title. He used witch magic and trickery to hold his position, then he used it to keep everyone in line.” He glared at the males on the ground. “These are his only remaining followers. We offer them to you as a show of good faith.”

“And should we want to execute them?” Alpha Declan pressed, narrowing his eyes.

“Then that is your right,” Marcel said solemnly.

Shiloh made her way to Alpha Wynn’s side, and he spoke to her in hushed tones. She nodded.

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