Page 79 of Mating their Omega

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I couldn’t stand it any longer. I couldn’t keep running through the what-ifs.

Just like when I chose to leave Blood Moon, it was time to take control of my destiny.

I held out my hand to Blythe. “How much of this stuff do we have to spray?”

Smiling, she tossed me the scent blocker. “I’ll let you know when I can’t smell you anymore.”


We crept around the perimeter of the battlefield. Blythe led the charge, disappearing in the trees every so often to locate Alpha Kane.

The Goddess must have been shining down on us because we didn’t encounter anyone else. I wasn’t naive enough to think it would last, so I took the reprieve from immediate danger to gather my courage.

This wasn’t just for me—it was for my pack and my mates.

I was careful to keep my block firmly in place the closer we got to the center of the battle.

All it would take was one slip, and they would know where I was.

“Found him,” Blythe said, materializing on my right.

I pressed a hand to my chest. “Goddess, warn a girl next time.”

“Absolutely not. You better get your head on straight because things won’t be pretty from here on out.”

“Sorry, you’re right. I’m good now.”

She looked at me shrewdly. “You sure?”

I nodded, but it was as much to convince myself as it was for her.

She pointed to the thick foliage in front of us. “Head through those trees and keep low until you’re sure he’ll spot you. You remember what to do from there?”

My fingers curled and uncurled at my sides. “Yeah, I’ll take him to the lake.”

“Good. Shift as soon as you make eye contact. Speed will be your biggest advantage, and every second counts.”

I turned to leave when Blythe said, “Be careful, Myla.”

“You too,” I called over my shoulder.

Crouching, I made my way to the edge of the forest, using the space between two shrubs to view the clearing ahead.

I choked on my next breath. Wolves, matted with dirt and blood, tore at each other, and shifters in human skin exchanged blows, using a combination of fists and claws as they fought. Most were sporting a myriad of cuts, while others had dangling limbs and open wounds.

I shook my head, forced my eyes from the gruesome sight, and focused on finding Alpha Kane. Whether he was in fur or skin, he was unmistakable to me.

Blocking out the pandemonium, I scanned the clash of bodies until I found him.

I moved as close as I dared.

His wolf shook a Hidden Creek wolf by the scruff, jerking his head from side to side.

He was going to break his neck.

Without thinking, I sprang to my feet.

“Kane!” I shouted, and his head snapped in my direction. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

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