Page 78 of Mating their Omega

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She said it with such conviction. It made me wonder who I was.

Was I the girl who had escaped from Blood Moon? Was I the pack member who was starting a new life with her mates? Or was I someone else entirely—a female I hadn’t discovered yet?

Movement yanked my focus to the left, and my defenses snapped into place.

Amy readied herself beside me.

Every possible outcome flashed through my mind. I mentally cataloged the most violent Blood Moon pack members and prepared myself for the worst of them.

Every crunch of gravel wound my muscles tighter. Adrenaline poured through my veins as a shadow curved around one of the buildings.

Just as I was about to launch myself at the intruder, a familiar scent wafted toward me.

“Thank Goddess I found you,” Blythe said as she appeared.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, relieved.

“I came to find you.” She glanced at the females around us and jerked her head to the side. “Come with me.”

I followed her behind one of the dens. “What’s this about?”

“What if I told you we could end this war before too many lives were lost?”


Her eyes darkened. “We chop the head off the snake.” My face must have given away my disbelief because she added, “If we take out their Alpha, the rest of the pack has no reason to keep fighting—not without leadership.”

“Us, as in you and me?” My voice was a shrill whisper. “How in the name of the moon would we do that?”

“You would be bait. Alpha Kane is looking for you, so we’ll let him think he’s found you,” she said as if the answer was a no-brainer.

“I think you’re glossing over some important details,” I hissed, failing to keep my tone even. “Like how we’re going to get to Kane, for one. There are hundreds of wolves battling, which means there are hundreds of chances for us to be spotted. Let’s not forget that if we make it—and that’s a big if—we somehow have to kill him.”

Blythe smiled like the cat that caught the canary and pulled out a canister of scent-blocking spray. “I’ve got the first part covered. As for the killing, all you have to do is lead him where I want him. I’ll handle the rest.”

She couldn’t be serious.

“Where did you get the scent blocker?” I asked.

“Swiped it from the Enforcer building when everyone else was preoccupied. Once Blood Moon reached the second wave, I doubled back to find you.”

“This is insane.”

“No, it’s smart and maybe a little reckless, but I can guarantee he won’t be expecting it.”

My brow furrowed. “What about the Alpha’s orders?”

“While I respect Alpha Wynn, I don’t take orders. I comply with suggestions when I believe they’re right. But last night, I couldn’t sleep and knew there had to be a better way—especially with the Council lurking around. Then I started thinking about what you said in the meeting. You’re right; giving you up would make Blood Moon back off, but I’m not willing to do that either. So, I came up with this plan and hoped you’d be willing to trust me.”

“I do trust you,” I said.

“Then let’s do this together. We can prevent packmates from dying or getting injured, but the only way that happens is if you help me.”

I debated my options. I could stay and let the battle play out as it would or take fate into my own hands and strive for a better outcome.

Muted waves of anger echoed through our blocked bond. Were my mates hurt?

Did they see defeat or victory on the front lines?

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