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“I think that’s best,” I choke out. It takes all my effort to get words through the constriction. My chest is so tight I can barely breathe.

“Okay, but Hazel…?”


“I do want you to know that you’re special. And I had a great time getting to know you better. And?—”

It’s impossible to get even one word out. Tears flood my eyes and stream down my face. I press my trembling lips together and wait.

“And—I mean, I don’t know,” he goes on. “It happened fast, didn’t it? Good luck. With the job. I know you’re gonna get it. Fabian What’s-his-name would be an idiot not to snatch you up. Don’t assign me all the pain-in-the-butt clients just ’cause I can work magic, and I know all the good realtors. I pull bunnies out of hats when I have to, but it’s not easy.”

He’s joking.

Trying to make me laugh.

I feel a smile flicker through my tears. I swipe at the salty wetness. “You do pull bunnies out of hats.”

“It’s a gift,” he says.

We both fall quiet.

It’s like neither of us wants to give up first.

But I have to mop up my face and try to breathe normally again, and I know Jack has things to take care of out there in Moab.

When we say our goodbyes, it feels like my heart is getting ripped in two right here in my living room.

Chapter 24


Three weeks later

“Soooo… How did it go?” Alexis drops her yellow suede tote bag on the floor beside the couch, then plops down beside me. We’re at Windsor’s most popular coffee shop, which is bustling, as usual.

She pulls her phone out and holds it above her cup to take a pic of the latte art. “Did you use that trick I taught you?”

I just had my first public speaking gig at the Windsor Rotary Club. My dad lined it up for me two weeks ago when he first heard about my promotion.

His friend, the Rotary Club President, gave me an hour slot during the club’s monthly brunch.

The talk was on succeeding in the remote work environment. My hands are still shaking like leaves.

“No, I didn’t try your trick. Honestly, mentally picturing the crowd naked would have totally freaked me out. Also, I never want to speak in front of a group again.”

She takes a long slurp of her latte. “You nailed it, I’m sure. I already saw people going on and on about how inspiring it was on the town page. Dusty Fitz said you should run for Town Council. He said you’re the smartest person in Windsor.” She laughs and rolls her eyes. “We all know he’s had a thing for you for ages.”

I frown down at my coffee.

She crosses her legs and opens the paper bag she brought over, along with her drink. “I got us the bear claws. We’re celebrating the fact that you are on your way to being a Public Speaking Queen. Your future is bright, honey. I’m seeing workshops, lectures, video courses.”

I don’t feel like celebrating.

I felt like a fake up there behind the podium.

For an entire hour, I talked about my career. I shared how I’d recently worked my way up to a management position, and people applauded me.

Afterward, a bunch of my father’s friends wanted to shake my hand. “Congratulations, Hazel! Your success story really shows what’s possible. I’d love for my daughter to sit down with you so she can pick up some advice.”

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