Page 33 of Amnesia

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“I know what you need,” Watson assured me before flipping me onto my back.

The moment his warmth was gone, I missed it, but I watched, lust drunk, as he slowly slithered out of his briefs, then grabbed mine from my ankles so we were both naked.

“Touch yourself,” he ordered.

I hesitated. “I...”

Then my hand wrapped around my length, and my eyes slammed shut as a low groan rumbled from my chest. My balls were already pulled tight, and I didn’t want to come yet. I wanted Watson to be the one to make it happen, and if I kept doing this, I would explode.

The mattress dipped beside me, and I heard Watson spit.

“Baby.” His voice was low in my ear as his wet hand wrapped around my cock. “Let me help you with that.” He flicked his tongue against my skin, and then he splayed his thick body over mine.

Pleasure spiked through me. “Both... yours and mine.” My brain was so fuzzy. I wanted his dick to rut with mine. I wanted... “Put your dick with mine,” I managed to tell him.

Watson gripped my chin. “Look at me,” he whispered, but it was too late.

The second his dick slid over mine, it was all over. Stars exploded behind my eyes, and I bit down on my lip to keep from crying out as I got lost in the pleasure. I felt the cum splatter against my stomach, only to realize it wasn’t just mine; it was Watson’s too. His groans filled the room, and then his face was buried against my neck.

There was a sticky mess between us, Watson’s heavy body pressed over mine, and I knew we should clean up, but my heart was full, and all I wanted was to enjoy this moment. Because I was terrified that it wasn’t going to last.


I barely had a chance to spend a second with Watson once we got back home to North Carolina. He had interviews, meetings, and autograph sessions while I had my own messes to deal with. Pit practice, interviews, and our own meetings. By the time I was dragging myself home at eight o’clock, Watson was already half asleep at the dinner table. That didn’t stop him from sneaking into my room when I was dead to the world so he could wrap himself around me and tell me how much he missed me before we both fell asleep. No hand jobs or blowjobs, just hurried kisses in passing or murmured promises of what was yet to come.

Then on Friday, it was off to Wisconsin, where he had interviews with a radio station in the afternoon, autographs in the early evening, and a meeting with a possible new sponsor first thing Saturday morning. I had more free time than I knew what to do with, so when I got up that morning and Watson was already gone, I went for a run and found myself stopping to do a little shopping.

Since it was Wisconsin, they had more items with cheese on them than you could possibly imagine. I bought a few things for Mom and Dad, but it was the pair of boxer briefs I found that I couldn’t pass up for Watson. Totally and completely not his style. He was more the boring kind of underwear—think solid colors—but as I picked them up and brought them over to the cashier, I hoped he would at least wear them for me.

“Gift?” the girl asked as she rang up my order.

A blush settled on my cheeks. “Uh, for my boyfriend,” I heard myself admit.

That sounded so strange, yet so right, when I said it. I had heard all about Watson’s post-race interview last weekend, and yes, people were wondering who he was dating, but he hadn’t freaked out about it. In fact, Jenna had reached out to me several times about how we were going to approach the subject. I hadn’t gotten back to her yet, but that was only because I really wanted us to talk to our parents first.

“I hope he likes them,” the cashier told me as she handed me my bag.

I was smiling when I made it back to the track with a little bit of a pep in my step, but when I opened the door to the RV, all of that changed. Siting inside, with Watson, was a man I didn’t recognize at first. The energy inside was anything but comfortable.

“Holt.” Watson was on his feet. “This is... Where have...” he stumbled as he tried to get out a sentence, but my eyes were glued to the man on our couch.

He looked at me while his dark eyes sized me up. As he climbed to his feet, I realized I already knew who he was. He was tall, taller than Watson, and even though his hair was no longer blond like his son, it was hard to not see the resemblance.

“You’re Watson’s father.” I gritted my teeth before I looked at Watson. “Why is he here?” I asked.

“I came to see my boy race.”

“Why?” I hissed.

Watson wrapped his hand around my arm. “Don’t, H.” His eyes begged me, and I knew he only wanted to make his father proud, but the memory of him telling me his father called him stupid still rattled around my head. He didn’t deserve anything from his son.

“I need to go.” I yanked away from Watson and headed to my room, where I dropped my purchase on the bed and slammed the door shut. I needed to get down to the garage. I needed to change, but I noticed my hands were shaking. That motherfucker. They were still there when I came back out, and I left without saying a word.

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