Page 32 of Amnesia

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I wanted to see Watson’s face, touch his chest, and kiss his lips, but I guess I would have to settle for this instead. “Everything all right?” I glanced over my shoulder.

“Mmhmm.” He grunted into my hair as he tightened his hold on me.

Yeah, something was up, and it wasn’t just his dick. “Watson, what aren’t you telling me?” I gripped his hands as they clung to my bare stomach.

“I fucked up, H.”

“What does that mean?”

When he loosened his hold on me, I flipped over to stare at him. Only, Watson kept his chin down, his eyes closed, like he was avoiding eye contact.

“I sort of... Well... I came out tonight during the post-race interview.” When his lids opened, his brown orbs were full of regret. “I mean, I don’t care if people know I’m bisexual, but that means we have to be really fucking careful right now.”

“What happened?” I moved to touch his jaw, only for Watson to pull my hand up to his cheekbone. I gently ran the pad of my finger over the bone the way I knew he liked.

Watson groaned. “This stupid podcaster, Seth, God, he just pushed all my buttons... Fuck, if you don’t stop that, I’m going to maul you.” He stopped to look at me with lust-ridden eyes. “He was goading me about settling down like Mason, how he was such a good influence, blah, blah, blah, and I just blurted it out. That I had a boyfriend. My stupid ass brain didn’t even stop to think about the repercussions, as usual, of what might happen if someone saw us together after I did that. I’m such an idiot, Holt. Jesus, I don’t even know what you see in me.” He pushed away from me and climbed off the bed.

“Watson.” I watched as he paced the floor, his hands in his hair. “You want to come back to bed?” I hated the way he put himself down like that.

He shook his head. “Why am I like this, Holt?” He stopped to stare at me. “Why am I so fucking stupid?” He looked like he was on the verge of tears. “You’re so damn smart, and I’m just this idiot grease monkey. I don’t even know why you bother with me.”

“Why do you keep doing that?” I growled before I climbed from the bed.

Watson’s shoulders slumped forward. “What am I doing?” he asked.

I sighed. “Putting yourself down like that. You say that you’re stupid or dumb. We both know that’s not true. You’re incredibly talented. You get in that damn car every week. You drive the hell out of that thing. I could never do what you do.” I ran my hand through his blond locks.

“That’s because I’m the stupid one. It’s dangerous. I could go out there some weekend and die, H. You wouldn’t ever do something that reckless.” He gave me a weak smile.

Someone had told Watson he was stupid once, and he’d never gotten over it. “Who told you that, huh?” I slid a hand up his chest. “A kid at school? Some teachers, or maybe a girl you dated once?” When he tried to duck his face away, I gripped his chin to force him to look at me. “Tell me so I can go find them and set the record straight.” I wasn’t the one who got into fights, that had always been Watson, but I could talk some sense into them. When he didn’t answer right away, I started to get worried.

“My dad.” His dark eyes met mine. “My real dad,” he clarified. “I haven’t... I haven’t seen him in years, but when I used to visit him, he would tell me all the time how stupid I was.” Watson shrugged. “I guess it sort of stuck with me over the years.”

My lip curled up over my teeth. “A parent shouldn’t tell their child something like that.” I dragged the pads of my fingers over the skin of his cheek. “You’re not, Watson. You have to know that.” Rage filled me like nothing ever had. Watson Brooks was the sweetest, kindest, most loyal person I knew, and not in the least bit stupid.

“C student, remember?” His brows dipped.

“School doesn’t define you, Watts.” I never called him that, and his eyes widened in surprise. “You’re a badass motherfucker when you’re behind the wheel of a car, foot on that gas pedal, winning races, and chasing checkered flags. Fuck school, fuck people who say it matters, and fuck your father for making you think you’re not good enough. Because, damnit, you are. You’re the most important person in my life,” I assured him.

A smile spread across Watson’s face. “God, it makes me so hot when you talk like that, H,” he growled. “Kiss me.”

Which I did. I kissed him with everything I had because I was afraid that what we were doing wasn’t going to last. Because I was scared that Watson would get bored of me and move on to someone else or some pit bunny once things began to cool off between us. I would have to go back to watching him with a different girl hanging off his arm, or maybe a guy now that he had admitted he liked both, but everyone knew Watson Brooks wasn’t the settling down type. I would have to act as if it didn’t gut me to the core because we were stepbrothers by fate, best friends by choice, and nothing more.

“It’s never...” Watson murmured as he gripped the back of my neck. “It’s never felt like this with anyone before, H.” Words I wanted to believe but couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried. His lips moved down to my neck where he started to suck, and I knew he was going to leave a mark.

I wanted to believe him, I did, but right now my brain wouldn’t brain properly. He’d come out today. He did that for us, and the way my body was reacting to the things Watson was doing, the way he was grinding his body against mine, was everything I wanted only—

Watson pulled away to watch me with concern written all over his face. “You’ve been mumbling under your breath. Are you not into this? We can stop. I know it’s late, and you’re probably tired. I just wanted to make you feel good.” The way he was watching me was more than my heart could handle.

“Bed,” I rasped out.

Watson nodded. “Sure, right.” He moved to get back onto the mattress before I attacked him. “Wait, I thought...” He didn’t argue as I climbed over his body, my tongue sinking into his mouth. “Oh, bed.” His lips curved up into a smile as his hands yanked my briefs down over my ass.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I ground against him. “Watson,” I grunted. My body felt like it might burst into flames.

Watson gripped my hips. “No coming, Holt,” he ordered. “I haven’t even touched your cock yet.” His eyes flooded with need as one hand cupped my ass.

“I need... Please.” I couldn’t even think straight. All the blood in my body had suddenly moved between my legs.

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