Page 27 of Amnesia

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The rest of the pit crew had started cleaning up their things since we weren’t going to be needed for the rest of this qualifying session, so I joined them. I wouldn’t see Watson for quite some time. He would be released from the care center, need to field questions, have to talk to Miles about the car, and so, once everything was cleaned up, I headed back to the RV to wait for him.

“Hey.” Carson Carey, another driver, fell into line with me. “You want to hang out?” He gave me a nervous smile. We had gone out a couple of times over the past, but since I hadn’t heard from him after that, I figured he wasn’t interested.

Well, this was awkward. “Uh...” How did I approach this? Watson and I hadn’t exactly said we were a couple, but clearly that’s what we were. I stopped to stare at him. Carson was cute. Blond hair, dark eyes, and obviously my type... If I weren’t totally and completely in love with Watson.

“Shit, I waited too long, didn’t I?” His shoulders slumped. “Why does this always happen to me?”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s not you, Carson,” I assured him.

“I was going to text you last week, but then I just got nervous, and crap... You’re like one of the nicer guys around here. Also, it’s hard to find someone who’s into racing and queer, too. Man, I really screwed this one up.” He looked deflated.

It wouldn’t have worked out, anyway. “Want to come by and have a beer? I could always use another friend. I never have enough of those,” I suggested.

“The dreaded f word.” Carson gave me a smile, though, so I guess it wasn’t that bad. “Yeah, I could do that.” We started walking back to the RV, and I invited him inside, hoping Watson and I hadn’t left anything out from last night in our hurry to get to the track on time this morning.

I moved to the fridge to grab a couple of beers while he sat down at the small table.

“So...” I popped open my can. “How was your week off? Do anything fun?”

“Clearly not as fun as you.” He grinned.

I felt my ears heat. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t expected,” I murmured.

“You like this guy.” Carson knocked my leg with his knee. “How did you meet him? Because I’m sick of the random hookups that lead nowhere. That’s why I thought we sort of had a connection. We shared a kiss, which was nice, but when you didn’t seem interested in fooling around...” He broke into a big smile. “You’re shy. I get it.”

Now I was really blushing. “Also, very inexperienced.”

“Yet you have a new man in your life.”

I took a sip of my beer, hoping for some liquid courage. “Yeah, about that—” I jumped when the door slammed opened and Watson’s large frame appeared in the doorway.

“Am I interrupting?” he growled. “Please, continue. I clearly only fucking live here.” His dark eyes narrowed into angry slits as he stomped into the room.

Carson was already on his feet. “I... I’ll talk to you later, Holt. Congrats on the new boyfriend. I hope it works out.” He nodded at me before he rushed from the RV.

I watched wide-eyed as Watson ripped open the fridge and then turned back to stare at me. “What the fuck was that?” he asked. “I wasn’t here, so you decided to, what? Bring someone else in instead?” His nostrils flared as he stared at me with contempt in his eyes.

“What, no. I... We’re just friends. I can have friends. You have tons of friends.”

“Not friends I’ve gone on dates with.”

I gritted my teeth. “You and Mason have shared women before,” I whispered.

“Is that why you brought him here? So we could share?” Watson asked.

I shook my head. “No, I was waiting for you.” I felt sick. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fucking great.” Watson grabbed his beer from the counter and brushed past me to head to his room.

I stared at his retreating back as he slipped inside. Should I go after him? Did he want me to do that? Was he really upset with me or just at what happened today? I checked to make sure the door was locked to the RV before I traced his steps and found Watson curled into a fetal position, his back to me. Shit. I kicked off my shoes and climbed up next to him, hoping he didn’t push me a way. As soon as the mattress dipped under my weight, Watson turned to face me. He quickly wrapped his large body around mine, burying his face into my chest.

I threaded my fingers through his thick hair to tug his face up to look at me. “You want to talk about what happened out there today? Why you’re picking fights with me?” I asked.

Watson shook his head before he pressed his face back into my shirt. “No,” he mumbled. His fingers clung to my shirt as he tried to get even closer to me, and then he began to cry softly.

“Hey,” I whispered. “It’s okay,” I assured him, my hand rubbing circles against his back.

His crying turned into sobs, and his large frame shook against mine. I had never seen Watson this upset before. Sure, he’d had bad days, bad races, and I had seen him cry, but nothing like this.

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