Page 26 of Amnesia

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We met Mason for breakfast the next morning after our shower, another jerk off session, and the best sleep of my life. But I couldn’t help but feel like Mason was watching us, like he knew something. But that was impossible. He couldn’t know. Could he?

“Good morning,” Watson said cheerfully. “Where’s Shepard? Aren’t you two like connected at the hip or something? It’s unusual to see one with the other.” He nudged my knee playfully under the table, and I blushed, ducking my head.

Mason’s eyes ping-ponged between us. “What’s going on with you two?” he hissed. “You know, you couldn’t have been more obvious last night. Didn’t think that one through, did you?”

My stomach dropped, and I looked down at my bagel. It suddenly looked less than appetizing. I busied myself with the paper napkin wrapped around my silverware, hoping I was just being paranoid.

“Nothing? No smart ass comments. That is so unlike you, Watts,” Mason snapped. “You know my RV is parked right next to yours? I heard you. Hell, everyone probably fucking heard the two of you.” He tapped the table with his knuckles. “Holt, look at me please, because this is serious. I always knew you had a crush on Watts because you looked at him like he hung the moon, but this has got to stop. You want him to lose his ride? Lose everything he’s worked for? Because that’s what’s going to happen.”

“You better watch it,” Watson growled. “You don’t get to talk to him like that. Not ever. Understand me?” When his hand landed on my thigh, I felt my worries disappear.

Mason’s eyes narrowed. “How long has this been going on? Is this why you weren’t interested in Tessa? Because... Watts, he’s your brother,” he whispered.

“Step-,” Watson barked. “Stepbrother, Mason, and... You know what?” He stood up. “This really isn’t any of your business.”

My mouth flopped open like a fish. “Is that... is that true? Will he lose his ride?” I asked.

“No, don’t you listen to him.” Watson grabbed my arm and tried to force me to stand up.

Mason nodded. “It’s possible.”

“Says the guy who is raising... Nope, I won’t stoop to your level. Leave Holt out of this. You have a problem, come to me. Not him, me. You ever talk to him like that again, and I’ll knock all your damn teeth out,” Watson warned. “Let’s go, H.”

I followed him because it’s what I did. Because I loved him, because he was everything to me.

Chapter Nine


Things went from bad to worse in a second. Watson was on edge the rest of the day, and even though we weren’t near one another, I could feel the negative energy he was putting out there. In the garage, as he was getting ready for practice, I watched him pacing like a madman. Back and forth from one wall to the next. He was an absolute disaster. When he took his car out, he brushed the wall in practice. I cringed and tried to not think it could get any worse. But it was when his blue thirty-one skidded around turn two, hit the wall, then slammed into the safer barrier that I knew this weekend might turn into a lost cause.

Watson’s car was destroyed. He wasn’t going to be able to finish his run, which now meant bringing out the backup. Which meant he would start at the back of the field, and he would need to drive his way up through the field.

Watson was pissed. He threw his helmet off as he climbed from the damaged car before tossing it across the infield. Then he yanked off his gloves and those followed his helmet onto the grass. I had seen Watson angry, but never like this. He ignored the EMS workers when they tried to escort him into the emergency vehicle, which was a no-no, and started across the grass, only to stop and head toward the ambulance when he realized how much trouble he would be in.

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