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“Okay, Laurel. Tell me what’s going on.”

How did you drop a bombshell on the man you’d barely begun to have a relationship with?

“Is it that obvious?” She hedged for a little more time.

“That something is going on? Something upsetting or shocking or I can’t figure out what? Yes, very obvious.” He took her hand and led her to the couch, sitting down beside her. Still holding her hand, he said, “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

She tried to think of a way to break it to him gently. But if there was, she didn’t know it.

“I’m pregnant.”


Zack stared ather. “You’re…pregnant?” That was the last thing he’d expected to hear. “Pregnant?”

“Yes. Pregnant.” She yanked her hand out of his. “As in I’m pregnant with your child. Carrying your baby. Having your kid.”

“A baby. Wow. My baby.” He was having trouble wrapping his mind around it. And if he felt that way what must Laurel feel like? “You’re sure?”

“I haven’t had it confirmed by a doctor, but yes, I’m sure.”

“When did you find out?”

“About two minutes before you got here. I suspected—I’ve been barfing every morning for one thing—but I didn’t take the test until right before you came over.”

“No wonder you seemed so out of it.”

“Considering we used a condom every time we had sex, getting pregnant was not on my radar.”

“Mine either. I can see you’re upset…but is it such a terrible thing? You being pregnant?”

She stared at him incredulously. “Under the circumstances, yes. I can barely support myself and two kids, much less three.”

“You’re not thinking of…getting rid of it, are you?”

She shoved a hand through her hair. “No. I’m having it. I know that much, even if I don’t know anything else.” She laughed without humor. “I was going to get an IUD but I didn’t think there was any hurry.”

“Laurel, you don’t have to do it alone.”

Her expression softened. “I know you’ll help support the baby. But there’s a lot more to raising a child than just money.”

“Marry me.”

“What?” she asked, obviously completely shocked.

“Marry me, Laurel.”

“Marry you because I’m pregnant? That’s crazy.”

He drew her forward and kissed her. This wasn’t how he’d envisioned telling Laurel he loved her. And it was sure as hell not how he’d thought he’d ask her to marry him. For one thing, it was far sooner than he’d have chosen, not for his sake but because he didn’t think she was ready. But the baby changed everything.

“No. I want to marry you because I love you.”

“Funny thing, you didn’t say a word about being in love with me before you found out I was pregnant.”

“What would you have done if I’d told you before now?”

“I don’t know.”

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