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Letting the curtain fall back into place I walk to my room and strip down to try to get some sleep. We leave in the morning for a meeting to gather information. We are hoping to get a lead on where the two assholes are that got away. I want to eliminate the threat to Dawn for good. She has been through enough and deserves a chance to get on with her life. Seeing her with Remy was like a punch in the gut. I have no claim on her, he is closer to her age, and she seemed to enjoy his company. I needed to let her move on with him. Maybe this trip would be good to give me more perspective on the situation.

I fell into a restless sleep and woke up around three am. Realizing that I wasn’t going back to sleep, I got up and fixed a pot of coffee. We would be riding out in a couple of hours anyway. I went to the room Dawn had stayed in and stripped the bed so I could wash the sheets and have it ready for the next time it was needed. As I held the sheets to my chest, I could smell herscent on them and before I could think better of it, I buried my face in them and took a deep breath. I decided to put the pillow on my bed and place a new one in the guest suite. Starting the laundry, I sat down to drink my coffee and make a quick list of what to take on my bike. I took a quick shower and packed my bag along with some medical supplies then rode over to the clubhouse to meet the guys. Gears wasn’t going but he would be available if needed via internet. I needed to get my head in the game. We had to be ready for surprises. The Vipers were friendly with the Rippers we had worked together in the past. Since our territories were far enough apart not to have issues, this worked for us. We were meeting them at their clubhouse to discuss some other business. We were also trying to locate the scum that was involved in Dawn’s abduction. I wanted to rip them apart with my bare hands or better yet use some of my surgical tools, we had to make sure to bring them to Trixie’s so that Gears could get the first crack. As her brother and guardian, it was his right. If she had an old man, he would also get to help. I didn’t have that honor, so I’d just hope I got to help.

“Let’s saddle up and head out. We have a long ride ahead of us. I want to get this done.” Axle said as he mounted his bike. We rode out early and I noticed the women standing at the door watching their men leave. I wondered what it would be like to have someone waiting for me and I glanced at Dawn’s window as we passed the house. Maybe I’d know one day.

It was a beautiful morning, the start of summer weather. It was still cool, but the sun was shining down so it was perfect riding weather. It had been a while since I had a chance to go on a run with my bike. I really needed this. We stopped just outside of Denver for gas and to eat breakfast. We were supposed to be at the clubhouse in just over an hour, so we had plenty of time. Climbing off the bike I stretched and headed inside the truck stop diner to order some food. I could also use some more coffee.I walked in and sat down at the large table next to Fang. He was really laid back and we had always been pretty tight.

“Any word from Smokey and Ash?” I asked as the waitress came over to take our orders. After ordering a couple carafes of coffee and large breakfast plates all around she went to put our orders in and Axle shook his head.

“They said that Rivet, the president of the Vipers would be at the meet. He was given some information he would share face to face. He didn’t trust anyone enough to use phones to pass along the message. Eat quick because I want to get there as soon as possible to see what he knows.” He took a swig of his coffee and looked at me. “How is Dawn?”

“Last I saw, she was healed up from her ordeal. I’d like her to get some counseling but that is up to her brother and Sophie to help with it now. I gave a recommendation.” I said as the waitress brought our food. I was thankful for the timing because I was uncomfortable talking about her. They all knew she had stayed with me for the first week she was brought home. I had tried to be discreet, and I didn’t talk to anyone but her brother about her nightmares.

“Good to know. I’ll go by and check on her when we get home. I noticed that Cajun seems sweet on her.” Axle said as he ate his breakfast and watched me out of the corner of his eye. I tried not to react. Cajun seemed like a nice guy, but I hated seeing her with anyone else.

“He better take it slow and not push her or he will be answering to me.” I growled under my breath. The little bit of chatter amongst us went silent and everyone looked at me. FUCK!! I didn’t mean to say that out loud. “Like any of you wouldn’t beat his ass if he spooked her.”

I got up and went to the bathroom. I needed to collect myself before we went to the meeting. Hawk came in when I waswashing my hands and stood at the sink looking at me for a minute. We called him Hawk because he saw everything.

“I know that there is something between the two of you. I don’t know what it is or if you two even know. I do know that you need to figure it out before you lose her to the kid. He is a looker, and he has been laying on the charm with Dawn.” Hawk met my eyes in the mirror and then took care of his business. I walked over to the table to pay for my tab before heading out to my bike. I looked at my phone and thought about sending her a text to check on her but decided against it.

We made it to the clubhouse with about fifteen minutes to spare. Parking around the side in a line we headed to the door. The man who answered the door was huge, he had to be about six feet six weighing around two hundred seventy-five pounds of solid muscle. He had long hair pulled back and a long beard. He grinned when he saw Axle.

“Hey boy, long time no see. How is Undertaker?” he asked as he gave Axle a one arm man hug. Axle chuckled at the greeting. I didn’t know anyone else other than Undertaker who could get away with calling him boy.

“He’s doing good Viper. That pretty little wife of his keeps him hoping. He has a little boy, and his wife is due in a couple of months with the next one.” He told him as we all followed them inside. There were a couple of guys at the bar with a busty woman in her mid-forties standing behind it. She looked like she took care of herself. Viper jerked his head; she came over and put her arm around his waist.

“This here is my old lady, Sherri. Baby this here is Axle, the president of the Rippers’.” She smiled and held out her hand. Axle shook it and looked back at Viper who nodded. “Baby we will be in the office. Make sure nobody disturbs us.”

“You got it Sugar.” she said as she sashayed back behind the bar. Viper pointed to the door at the end of the hall, and we headed that way. I noticed one of the guys got up and followed.

He held open the door for us as we all walked in then he came in with the other guy who I assumed was his VP.

“This is Raven, he is my vice-president and road captain. He is the one who has the information to share.” Viper said as he nodded at Raven.

“A few of the guys and myself were down in Portland visiting some family and we stopped at a dive bar for dinner. There were a couple of men that clearly didn’t fit in sitting in the corner. Pretty sure they were drunk; they were talking about the women they got to test out before selling them and how they hated they didn’t get to try the curvy one before the warehouse was raided.” He was balling up his fists and looked disgusted. “We just happened to be a couple tables away from them. I have a couple of our guys following them. They seem to be headed in this direction. I figured we could try to herd them a little closer and grab them.”

“When was the last time your guys checked in?” Axle inquired as we all waited on edge.

“Last night. They are headed this way. We have guest rooms upstairs if you would like to stay here. That way no one knows you’re in town and can place you here.” Viper suggested. “We can grab them and deliver them to you.”

“I’d like to have them at our interrogation place back home. Her brother will want retribution.” Axle said and we all agreed. “If you can get a van or something we can escort you to our place.”

“Sounds like a plan. Feel free to hang out and watch tv or play pool. Sherri is a great cook. We have plenty of food. They should be close enough tomorrow night to grab them.” Viper and Raven led us out and showed us to some rooms upstairs. We decidedit was a good idea to stay here. The sooner this was handled the better.



I woke up with a smile on my face. Remy had messaged me late into the evening after he dropped me off. He asked me lots of questions about the things I liked and what I enjoyed doing. We shared funny stories of our lives over the last several years. He was so easy to be around. I needed to let Doc go and try to enjoy being with someone my own age that was clearly interested in me.

Easier said than done though. I fell asleep thinking about Remy but woke up with Doc on my mind. I wondered if he was okay and what they were doing. I hoped he would come home safely. Sighing at my wayward thoughts I got up and hopped in the shower to get ready for my day. It was early and I was working at the shelter with Cara. I really loved the animals, and it was mindless work. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with the shelter logo then I added my boots. My hair was ina ponytail, and I slipped my phone in my back pocket before heading over to feed the animals.

It was beautiful outside; we still had a nice breeze to combat the heat from the sun. I got to the door and entered my code. Walking towards the back I checked on the cats first. They just needed to be fed and a little attention given this morning. I think when I open my practice, I will still make time to volunteer here. When I finished with the cats I moved on to the dogs. They would need to be let out first. Their cages were color coded so I knew who would be ok to let out together and who needed to be out individually. I started to open a cage when I noticed there were two empty cages, and the back door was propped open. I walked back and saw Remy on the ground playing with a couple of the older dogs. They were super cute, and he was rubbing one of their bellies and throwing a ball with the other one.

“Good morning, Cher.” He called out to me. I smiled and went to sit near him and play with the beagle mix. “Fury was supposed to volunteer this morning, but he went on the trip, so I offered to switch. Lucky me I get your company today.”

“I can’t sit long; I need to get the rest of the dogs fed and walked before we open up.” The other dog came over and crawled into my lap for cuddles. Petting her gently I looked around and then back at Remy. I was still surprised by his attention.

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