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Remy stood up and helped me to my feet then brushed his pants. We started to walk in and both dogs followed. After we had them secured, we let the rest of them out. Remy walked outside with them while I filled their food bowls. They would go out again right before time to open.

Cara came in around eight and started getting her exam room set up for appointments. She was one of two vets in town and the other one was closer to Freedom. It stayed pretty busy aroundhere. I was glad for the distraction. I really liked Remy, but I still couldn’t get Doc off my mind.

“Hey Dawn, how did it go this morning?” she asked me with a knowing smile when she saw who was in the kennel area cleaning. “We have a full load this morning so my assistant Todd will be here, and he knows how to complete the adoption paperwork for the shelter animals if someone wants to adopt one. We only charge for the spay or neuter and their shots. There is also a place on the form for donations if anyone is so inclined. We don’t ask but it’s there just the same.”

“It went great. Remy was a big help to me.” I smiled as he came back inside and washed his hands.

“Ladies, I have to get going. I have a few repair calls and installations this afternoon.” He said as he gestured for me to walk him out. I followed him to the door where his bike was parked. “Cher, I will call you later and see if you are busy. I’d love to hang out again. Maybe I could bring some pizza over and we could watch tv again?”

“I’d like that. Have a good day.” I said as he leaned over and gave me a kiss. It was a gentle kiss, and I could tell he wanted to do more but he was trying to be a gentleman.

I watched him leave and head to his shop where he keeps his work truck with all his supplies. He was so damn hot when he pulled his hair back with a hair tie and put on his helmet. I’ve rode with my brother for emergencies but to be on the back of a club member’s bike was a sacred thing. It meant ownership and claiming. I had not had that privilege yet and I wasn’t sure I was ready for it. I turned and walked back to the office to see what she needed me to do today. I wanted to stay busy.

The day went by pretty quickly, and I was relieved when it was time to go home. I wanted a hot shower and something comfortable to put on. It was hard work, but it was also satisfying too. I majored in business law, so I was going to belooking for clients in the fall after I passed my bar exam. Gears pulled up in his car to pick me up from the Shelter and drive me back to the house. I guess he knew I would be exhausted.

“Hey sis, how was your day?” he asked me as I got in the car. I looked at him and he seemed to be in a good mood.

“It was good. I enjoyed being with the animals. It’s hard work but nothing mentally taxing so no stress.” I told him as he pulled up to the house. It really wasn’t that far but since he had to pass the Shelter property on his way home it was not a big deal to ride with him. It made him feel better to take care of me and I knew he was still struggling with everything that happened. Just in a different way. I had overheard that two of the men had got away and they were trying to track them down. That made me nervous, so it was no skin off my back to stay on the property where I felt safe. If only Doc wasn’t the one who made me feel the safest.

“What was that look for?” he asked me since I obviously didn’t hide my feelings well. Sometimes it really sucked how observant he could be.

“I’m just worried about the guys. Have you heard anything?” I asked him, trying to make it sound like I was worried about all of them in general and not asking about Doc specifically. He gave me a knowing look and shook his head. I sighed and got out of the car and headed inside. I went straight to my shower, so I didn’t have to talk about it anymore. When I got out, I slipped on some gym shorts and a padded tank top. It was getting hot outside, so I wanted to be comfortable. I sat on my bed and picked up my phone. Trying to decide if I wanted to message him or not. Deciding against it I curled up on my bed to take a short nap. I didn’t want to fall asleep watching tv with Remy if he decided to come over.

I woke up to my phone chirping. I reached over to snag it off the bedside table and it was Remy saying he would be overin twenty minutes with pizza for everyone and a selection of movies. I smiled and got up. I went to my vanity and brushed my hair out and put on just a little tinted lip balm and some mascara.

Walking into the living room I saw Austin and Sophie sitting on the couch necking. I grinned and walked by to get a bottle of water. When they heard the fridge close, they jumped apart. I laughed out loud at that.

“You two act like I’m a kid. I’m a grown woman. I’m about to graduate from law school. I’m twenty-five years old for crying out loud. Just so you know Remy is coming by with pizza for all of us and some movies to watch. I hope you will be nice to him.” I said pointedly at my brother who gave me a ‘who me?’ look. I sat down in the armchair and propped my feet up on the ottoman to wait.



Later that night the clubhouse was hopping in the main area. There were several guys playing pool. I noticed there were a couple of old ladies with their men and then several sweet butts hanging around hoping to get lucky. I was at the bar nursing a beer. I didn’t want to be rude by closing myself in my room for the night, but I wasn’t feeling this scene either. Fury, Fang and Hawk were at the bar with me while I saw Blade in the corner with a glass of whiskey sipping it while one of the club whores sucked him off. Axle had a girl in his lap, and he was playing under her skirt with his tongue down her throat. Hell, they were still single so whatever. We used to have parties like that and occasionally still do.

I stood up to head upstairs and one of the girls with fake blonde hair and fake boobs came over to me with her skirt so short I could tell the rug didn’t match the curtains. Her bikini top was barely there. She was superficially pretty but it was allfake. I thought about letting her take care of me but all I could think about was long, chestnut hair, big blue eyes and the curvy figure of one Dawn Wilson. The girl put her hand on my pants, and I stopped her. Removing her hand from my fly, I just shook my head.

“Awe handsome, I could take care of you for the night. Your girl doesn’t have to know.” She said as she got closer. I looked down at her and could tell she was used to getting what she wanted. Too bad it wasn’t going to be me tonight.

“No, go find someone else to crawl over.” I walked around her and headed to my room for the night. I walked in and flipped on the light. There were two beds in the room. I was rooming with Hawk, Fury and Fang were rooming together and Axle and Blade. There was an ensuite shower in each room, so I took a cold shower and then climbed into the bed and tried to sleep. I kept thinking about the nights I spent sleeping in Dawns room. Listening to her whimpers and screams throughout the night. Pulling her into my arms and calming her until she fell asleep again. I also remembered the last night she spent in my house when she crawled into the cot with me and slept curled up to me like a lover. She felt perfect against me, and I wanted to keep her there. Her sweet-smelling hair and her soft skin. Her pillow perfect lips. What the hell was wrong with me? I was thirty-seven and she was twenty-five. Not only was she too young for me but she was my brother’s baby sister.

I pulled up the picture that we all had from when we went to find her. It must have been taken at a party by her roommate. She looked happy with a sassy smile and a sparkle in her eyes. I really wanted to see that again. Cajun seemed like a good kid, but I still hated the idea of him touching her. It made my blood boil just thinking about it. I had to fight these feelings I have for her. I know if I surrender to them, I will never let her go. I picked up my phone and there was a message from Dawn.

Dawn: Are u ok?

I noticed it had been sent a couple of hours ago. Looking at the time it was eleven. I guess a quick response wouldn’t hurt.

Doc: We are all fine, Baby doll. Get some rest. I’ll see you soon.

My finger hovered over the send button for a few minutes and then Hawk came in which startled me and I pressed send. I laid my phone back down and closed my eyes.

“How is Dawn?” he asked me with a smirk. I started to deny I was messaging her but decided it wasn’t worth it, so I just gave him the finger and rolled over to try and sleep. Hawk chuckled and shucked off his boots and crawled into the other bed.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take me under. We had a busy couple of days ahead.

Waking up in a strange place was always a bit disconcerting and put me on edge. I woke up and let my eyes adjust to the darkened room. Looking at my watch I noticed it was about five am. I was so used to short naps and interrupted sleep that I struggled to sleep more than five or six hours at a time. I decided to get up and go find some coffee. I got a text from Gears with a picture under it. It was Remy and Dawn sitting together on the couch. They looked cozy but she still seemed a bit uncomfortable. The message above it said:If you have feelings for my sister, you better figure your shit out. This kid is making moves and is quite a charmer. I think I’d prefer her with you. I know you will respect her and take care of her. The ball is now in your court. G.

Fuck!! What was I supposed to do from here? We were a couple hundred miles from home and not looking to be back until tomorrow or the day after. It didn’t change the fact that she was quite a bit younger than me, but hell if her brother could get past it then I could as well.

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