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“You are so bad Cole Harper.” She grinned at me blushing and shaking her head. Fang chuckled at her. We watched the girls head to the office, and we went to let the dogs out and clean the cages.



“Those guys are just overgrown teenagers sometimes, I swear.” Cara laughed as we sat down for a few minutes to work on the scheduling. “Here is the stack for the animals we just picked up. I have them color coded so hand me the ones with an orange tab first. Those need vaccinations, I’ll have to do that today.”

I flipped through and pulled out all the folders with orange tabs on them. Then we started to write out her schedule for tomorrow. After we got those scheduled, she put those aside.

“We only have three that need to be fixed. Two kittens and a puppy. They will have to wait for the next adoption day if no one picks them once they are healed enough to go home.” Cara said as she stood up and stretched. “Let’s go play with the animals for a bit. They need some social interaction.”

“How are you doing after everything you went through a couple months ago?” I asked Cara. She seemed really happy, andFang was over the moon with her I could tell. He and my brother had been best friends for years, so I knew him really well.

“I am all healed up and happy. Jimmy and I are planning our wedding. I just want something small here on the property or at the courthouse. It doesn’t matter as long as I end up Mrs. Jimmy Watson.” She giggled as we approached and saw the guys covered in kittens. “Looks like they are having a ball.”

I approached the guys and there was what looked like a Bengal kitten. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I sat down and she immediately curled up by my leg. I picked her up and held her to my chest. She was purring as I pet her. We had a cat growing up, but she was hit by a car. This is the first time I thought of getting another one. Cole walked over to me and sat down beside me. He reached over and gently rubbed her head.

“Do you want her baby?” he asked me as the kitten started to lick my face. I was completely smitten. She was so pretty and sweet. I nodded at him. He looked over at Cara and jerked his head towards us. “We want her when she is ready to come home.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. The Bengals are so sweet and pretty. They are great house cats and are great with children. People just tend to think they are wilder due to their markings. She will need her vaccinations in a couple of weeks, and we will spay her when she is six months. I’ll get the paperwork ready for you.” Cara was very excited to have one of her animals adopted out already. “I will also get you a list of what you will need to pick up from the pet store.”

“Thank you, we can run out and get the stuff after we are done here.” Doc said as he went to help put the dogs back up.

“Do you have a name picked out for her?” Cara asked me as she started to put the other kittens in their cages. I still had her on my chest.

“Yes, Gamora. She looks exotic so she should have a powerful name.” I told her as I hesitated to put her in her cage.

“Bring her to the office with you and we can get started on the paperwork.” Cara said. “I’m glad you found a friend. I think everyone should have a pet.”

“Of course you do.” I winked at her. The guys came around the corner to the office and Cole sat down beside me. “I think Cara would send the whole litter home with us if she could.”

“Um no. One is plenty for now.” He said as he put his arm around me. “Send me a link and I’ll take care of the adoption fee as well as pay for the vaccinations and spay.”

Cole looked at the paperwork I had filled out and smirked. He knewGuardians of the Galaxywas one of my favorite movies.

“Looks like you two have some shopping to do. I’ll keep Gamora here with me. She has a flea treatment already, so I’ll make sure you have the chewable tabs to take with you. I’ll see you when you get back to pick her up.” Cara said as she glanced at the clock. “Babe, will you go grab us some lunch. I have too much to do today to leave.”

“Sure baby, deli sandwiches?” Fang asked Cara as he leaned over and kissed her. She nodded smiling at him. I loved seeing him so happy.

We left to go get the truck and then head to the pet store in town. I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to tell Austin and Sophie. When we got to the store, we grabbed a cart and Cole pushed while I put things in it.

“Baby, I have the list that Cara gave me so let’s start with the food.” He walked over and picked up the soft dry food on the list and we also got her some treats. Then I picked out some cute food and water bowls for her as well as a mat to put under them. We found her a bed and a scratching post. I turned around to see my guy tossing a couple of cat toys into the cart as well.

“Honey, I think we got enough.” I giggled as he looked at the cart and looked at me with a sheepish grin. God, I loved this man. Turning the corner, we ran into some blonde that squealed and plastered herself to my old man. I wasn’t laughing anymore. He was trying to detach her when I cleared my throat.

“If you want to keep those hands, I suggest you remove them from my old man now!” I said in a cold voice. She looked at me and back at him and laughed.

“You really expect me to believe you are Doc’s old lady. Somehow, I doubt that.” She said as she ran a fingernail down his arm. Doc stepped back and I swung at her. My fist connected with her nose, we heard a crunch, and she screamed as blood came pouring out.

“I suggest you go get that looked at and if I catch you near him again you will get worse.” I said as I looped my arm through his. “Honey let’s go, I want to pick up Gamora and take her home with us.”

“By the way, Tawny this is my old lady, Dawn. I suggest you keep your distance. You are not welcome at the clubhouse anymore. You know better than to disrespect someone’s old lady and she warned you.” Doc turned putting me under one arm as he used the other to push the cart to the register to pay for the supplies.

He opened the passenger door for me, then started the truck before loading the supplies into the back. Once he got back from returning the cart he turned to me and took my hand.

“Baby, I hope you know that I haven’t touched another woman since I claimed you. I’m sorry you had to deal with that, but damn that was hot! You have one hell of a right hook.” He said in awe as he grinned at me.

“Austin made sure I knew how to throw a punch years ago. I tried to fight back when they took me, but they shot me up withsomething. I have never been so scared in my life.” I looked at him and he reached over and pulled me into his arms.

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