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“Baby, I’m so sorry we didn’t get to you sooner. I would take it all away if I could.” He told me as he held me and kissed the top of my head. I hugged him tight then sat back and pulled him down for a kiss.

“Let’s go get Gamora and go home.” I told him with a wink. “I’m feeling a little needy today.”

“Is that so, buckle up then.” He put the truck in drive and made record time getting back to the shelter. “Stay in the truck.”

I watched him go in and come back out with our kitten. He opened his door and handed her to me before driving us back to the house. When we got there, he opened my door and grabbed the bags. After letting us in he went for the rest then we set up her area in the kitchen and her bed in our room. When she was settled, I found myself over his shoulder and headed to our bedroom. Life was really good right now.



The past week and a half had been going great. I was really enjoying being home and helping at the shelter. I knew that she would be taking her bar exam the end of next month. I had been quizzing her and helping her study for it. We also decorated her office space the way she wanted it. We found a desk that was painted with a turquoise blue and a soft chair to match. We ordered her a matching rug and a vintage lamp. She had bookshelves and some pictures on her desk. Someone had snapped on of us together at the clubhouse and she framed it and had it on her desk by the lamp.

We have been adding things around the house to make it more ours. She seemed to be settling in well. I planned to ask her to marry me after she passes her bar exam. I had her ring bought and put away then I ordered her cut that said ‘Property of Doc’ on the back. That would be part of the wedding ceremony. I talked to the guys about it, and they were going to help me planan elaborate proposal for her. The adoption day was being held tomorrow at the Shelter. We had all volunteered to help. I was going to talk to the Chief of Surgery about helping in the ER at least two nights a week starting after we get back from our honeymoon. I was on my way to have lunch with him so we could discuss it. Dawn was helping get ready for the event tomorrow so I left her at the shelter and would pick her up on my way back to the house.

I pulled up to the diner and parked my bike outside. I walked in and found the chief flirting with a waitress.

“Hey Dani, will you bring me the special and a coke please?” I asked her as I sat down. “What would you like?”

“I have the same, thank you darlin`” he said as he looked at me in surprise. “Do you know every woman in town Dr. Harper?”

“Don’t be an ass. We eat here all the time. It’s polite to learn the servers name when they wait on you several times a week.” I told him as she came back with our drinks.

“Food will be out soon.” Dani told us before going to take someone else’s order. I looked back at the Chief and was surprised to see him still staring at her. I think he was smitten.

“In case you were wondering, I’m pretty sure she is single.” I mentioned. “You should ask her out.”

“I’ll think about it. So, I hired the new guy for the head of Trauma. He said he would love to have you come in a couple nights a week so that he could be off and know that things would be handled.” Dani came back to the table with our food, and she slipped the chief her number. “Looks like I can call her and ask her out.”

We caught up over lunch and he congratulated me on finding my girl and my upcoming nuptials. I decided I was ready to go pick up my girl and head home.

I pulled up to the shelter twenty minutes later and Fang spotted me coming in the door.

“Hey Doc, your girl’s not here. I thought she was with you.” He said with a frown. I felt panic close up my throat and knot my stomach.

“She was supposed to wait for me to pick her up. I dropped her off over an hour ago.” I started looking around to see if maybe he just missed her. “Fuck let’s see the security tapes. I know she would not have left on her own.”

We both ran to Cara’s office and Fang turned on the computer and pulled up the security footage. We saw a well-dressed older man come in and pretend he was interested in adopting a dog. She took him to one of the playrooms and was about to go get the dog when he injected her with something, and she slumped in his arms. He tossed her over his shoulder and walked out with her. We got the make and model of the car as well as the license plate and called it in. Fang called Austin and I grabbed my van with all my medical supplies and went to find her. I had a tracker in her phone and in her watch. It was on when they left. I was going to rip that man apart for daring to touch my woman.



I woke up in the backseat of a moving car. I vaguely remembered a man saying he wanted to adopt a dog, so I was going to set him up in one of the rooms to get to know a few of them. I felt a pinprick in my neck and before I could run everything went black. I was careful not to make any noise as I opened my eyes just a little. There was no one in the back with me and the man was on the phone. I tried to listen to what he was saying.

“I found her working at the animal shelter. I paid for her to be delivered to me two months ago. You will be reimbursing me as I had to go collect her myself. She is a cute thing. I think she will work just fine in my private club. Yeah, she is passed out cold in the back. I don’t expect any trouble from her before I get there.”

I sighed inwardly as I realized this was who they had sold me to. I couldn’t let him get me to whatever club he was talkingabout. I eased myself into a crouch and quickly pulled the door handle jumping from the car. I rolled away from the road and then stood up to run. I was still a bit fuzzy; he stopped the car and started to chase me. I stumbled through the woods weaving behind trees and large bushes trying to hide from him. I felt my phone in my back pocket. I guess he didn’t think to grab it. I pulled it out and hit Doc’s number, he answered immediately.

“Baby, where are you exactly? I’m on my way; try to stay hidden if you can.” he was saying when suddenly my phone was knocked out of my hand and kicked away from me.

I looked up and saw the angry man approaching me. He had a taser in his hand and I didn’t want to get hit with that. I ducked behind a tree, and he started to scream at me. I saw a large branch on the ground and picked it up. When he came around the corner, I hit him in the head with it as hard as I could. He fell and was bleeding but kept coming at me. I kicked the taser out of his hand and he grabbed my ankle yanking me down to the ground and climbed on top of me pinning me down. I felt myself start to panic and I could feel tears in my eyes.

“You stupid bitch. I paid a lot of money for you, and I plan on watching you earn it all back and more. I think I’ll sample the wares for myself first since you are giving me such a hard time.” He said as he yanked at my jeans trying to get them undone. Suddenly he was gone. I watched him get tossed aside like a rag doll. Then all I saw was Doc gently picking me up and carrying me to the van. I glanced over to see Cajun and my brother beating the man to a pulp. I didn’t see what happened to him and I really didn’t care. My guy managed to get to me before he could get my pants down. He put me in the front seat beside him and drove me home.

Carrying me inside the house he put me on the bathroom counter and gently removed my clothes. Turning on the shower he removed his as well.

“Baby it looks like he gave you a small sedative and the dose wasn’t enough to keep you under. I want to wash you and clean the cuts you got running from him. I’m so damn proud of you for getting away and buying us time to find you.” He washed me gently and then patted me dry. After applying some antibiotic ointment to my scratches, he settled me in our bed and Gamora hopped up to curl up beside me. “Your brother will be here in a few minutes. He will want to see you, so he knows you are okay for himself. After that, I’ll give you some Tylenol and hold you.”

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