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“You were not kidding about not having a lot. I don’t get that.” She said surprised.

“I have been living in dorms for the last seven years. There really isn’t a lot of space in those and I didn’t collect a lot of clothes because most of my time was spent studying and working side jobs for spending money.” I told her as Cole knocked on the door. “Come in.”

“Are you finished?” he asked, looking around. “Four boxes, is that really all you have?”

“Yep, I’m afraid that’s it.” I told him as he wrapped his arm around my waist. “I have never been a pack rat.”

“It’s true, but what she isn’t saying is that we never really had much growing up so there wasn’t much to save.” My brother commented from the door. “Hopefully now she will have a chance to find a hobby and not be a workaholic.”

“First, I have to pass the bar and get my practice started.” I told him as I threw a pillow at him. “The next couple of months I have to study and prepare for that.”

“We have no doubt you will pass that with flying colors.” Doc said as he stacked two of the boxes to carry outside and then her brother took the other two. I had my laptop in a bag. Sophie walked out with me as the guys put the boxes in the car. My brother gave me a big hug.

“If he gives you any shit, you can always come back home.” Austin told me as he held the door for me. I saw Cole flip him off, but they smiled.

“Home is where he is but thank you. I love you too.” I laughed as Sophie dragged him back into the house.

“You ready baby?” Cole asked me as he took my hand and kissed it. I nodded. He pulled across the property to what is now our home. We took the boxes inside. “There is another small bedroom in the back of the house if you would like to set it up as an office to work out of. I can get you a desk for it.”

“That would be great. I still can’t believe this is real.” I said looking around the living room. He put his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. I really was home.

“It will take some adjusting. I have not lived with anyone since I moved out of my parents’ house. I never lived in the clubhouse because I needed space for a clinic. My house is set up as the emergency clinic for the club. You will need to decide if you want an office in town or if you would prefer to work from home andmeet clients at various restaurants or their place of business.” He led me to the couch, and we sat down to talk.

“I know you feel that the matter with Remy is settled. I disagree. I want to talk to him and apologize for letting him feel like he had a chance. I was very hurt and confused. I needed to feel attractive, and he gave me that. He is not a bad guy; he just wasn’t you. I can talk to him in the common area at the clubhouse. You can even be there. Just don’t hover. I’m sure he will be uncomfortable enough without that.” I crawled into his lap and gave him a kiss. “I am your old lady, but he was kind to me when I needed it, so I feel like I owe him that much.”

“I don’t like it, but I understand it. Let’s get it done sooner rather than later.” He said as he pulled me in for a deep kiss. “I plan to keep you in bed for the next few days so you should message him now and set it up.”

I giggled as I reached for my phone and sent him a message. I put the phone down and waited for a response. My phone beeped and I handed it to Cole.

Remy: I will be home from work around six. Can you come by the clubhouse about six-thirty.

Me: yes, we will be there.

Remy: We?

Me: Doc and I, he will be hanging out with some of the guys while we talk.

Remy: ok

He showed me the message and I nodded. I got up to go fix us both a glass of tea and he found one of my shows for us to watch. We curled up on the couch to kill time until we went to talk to Remy. I really dreaded this conversation, but I respected him and felt I owed him that much.

“Thanks baby.” Cole said as he made room for me beside him. “I can’t believe I can finally take you on a proper date and not worry about your brother wanting to gut me.”

She laughed so hard she snorted which I found adorable. “He’s not that bad.”

“Baby.” He said in that tone. “You don’t know the side of your brother that I know. Yes, he can be.”

“Well, he knows that you are who I want and who I need so he is okay with us.” I told him as I snuggled closer to him. He pulled me close while we watched the rest of the movie. When the movie went off, I looked at my phone and it was six.

“We should probably head over. Best to rip off the Band-Aid.” I sighed. Cole frowned when I said that and helped me off the couch. “What’s wrong?”

“I just wonder if you would have been happy with him.” He said quietly. “I mean you seemed to get along really well, and I could tell how much he is into you.”

I turned and looked up at my man. He looked thoughtful and a little sad. I tugged on his shirt, and he looked into my eyes. I tugged again and he leaned down so I could wrap my arms around his neck.

“Now you listen to me Cole Harper. Yes, I like Remy. Do I think I could be happy with him? No, and I’ll tell you why. I’m in love with you, I always have been. If you and I had never met, then sure I could have given him a real chance, but the thing is I couldn’t stop thinking of you and comparing him to you.” I said as I leaned up and kissed his lips. “You stole my heart the first time I saw you. For years it was a crush, then last year you finally noticed me. I know you did because I caught you watching me a few times. When you came for me and took care of me, I fell in love with you as a woman. You already claimed me in front of the guys, and you can’t take it back. I’m yours.”

“Damn baby. Let’s go get this over with so I can bring you home and show you exactly how much you belong to me.” He said as he took my hand as he led me across the property towards the clubhouse. We walked hand in hand. I saw hisbrother Bolt on the porch. He sneered at me and then went inside. Yikes, this could be awkward for a while.

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