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“Okay. I know we have to talk when he leaves.” She nibbled on her toast and looked up at me. I leaned over and kissed her on the lips and heard a cough from the hall. We looked up to see Gears standing there smirking.

He walked over and gave her a hug before sitting down at the table for me to stitch up his hand. Dawn gasped when she saw the cuts on his knuckles. She looked like she wanted to ask but then thought better of it and just closed her eyes.

“I won’t ask. I know you wouldn’t tell me anyway.” She frowned watching us.

“I think you know that I would do anything for you.” He said to her while I cleaned his cuts and was able to use steri-strips on it instead of actual stitches. She nodded and watched as I finished up. He sat with us and finished his coffee. “I guess you will be coming by later to pack your things and move them here. Let me know if you need any help.”

Dawn’s eyes got wide as though she had not even thought about me wanting her to move in. Gears left and she turned to look at me with a question in her eyes. I sighed and turned my chair to face her.

“So, I may have claimed you when I picked you up yesterday.” I said a little sheepishly. She grinned at me and cocked her head.

“What do you mean, you might have?” she asked me as she tried to keep a straight face.

“Cajun attempted to get up and stop me from taking you home with me. I may it clear that you were my old lady even if you didn’t know it yet and that I was staking my claim. I made it clearto everyone in the room that you belong to me.” Cole looked me in the eye and waited to see what I would say.

“Well, it’s about damned time.” Dawn stated as she placed her mug and plate in the dishwasher. It took me a second to register what she said then I got up and threw her over my shoulder and carried her back to our bed. She was laughing the whole way.

I pinned her to the bed and kissed her soundly. She started tugging at my clothes, so I stripped and pulled off the boxers she had on and sunk my cock deep inside her. She moaned and wrapped her legs around me as I grabbed her ass and held her as I took her again. She held on to my shoulders and came hard screaming my name. She was so responsive. I’m so glad she isn’t afraid to be with me. I leaned over and kissed her again before pulling out and going to get a washcloth to clean us up. When we had dressed, I pulled her into my lap.

“So, what do you think about moving in with me. I don’t want to be away from you anymore.” I said to her as I kissed her neck. She held my arms around her and smiled.

“Ok, I’d like that.” She murmured as she licked her lips. I tickled her until she squirmed off my lap. “No fair.”

“Come on baby doll, let’s go get your things.” I told her as we headed for her brother’s place. I took my car so we could get her things in one trip. When we got over there Austin and Sophie had boxes ready for us.

“Umm, are you trying to get rid of me?” she asked as she stuck her tongue out at her brother. He acted horrified.

“Well yeah, now I can do my wife anywhere in the house.” He winked and she made vomiting noises.

“Eww, I didn’t need that mental image thank you very much.” She said with her cute little nose all wrinkled up. “I really don’t have a lot of stuff. Just my clothes, books, laptop.”

“You would be surprised.” Sophie said. “Why don’t I help you pack, and they can put the stuff in the car.”

“Great idea.” I said as we left the guys to talk.



Sophie and I grabbed a few boxes and went to my room to pack. She stood by the bed and looked at me.

“What?” I asked her, not sure what she wanted to say. She smiled really big and hugged me.

“I’m just so happy for you. I noticed last year that you had feelings for Doc, but you never said anything, and I didn’t realize they were reciprocated. He clearly adores you.” Sophie was pulling clothes out of my dresser as she talked, and I was emptying my desk.

“I’m not really sure when he realized he had feelings for me. I know last year he couldn’t get away from me fast enough. This year he was right there taking care of me after the abduction, and I had never felt as safe as I did in his arms. I know Austin struggled with it, likely because it’s his friend and our age difference but we just click. There is crazy chemistry there too.”I told her as I shivered thinking about this morning. “I get all tingly with him.”

“That’s great, I feel that way with your brother too. I didn’t even like him at first. I mean I always thought he was cute but until we spent time together, I thought he was just a know it all. I had no idea that he owned part of the business.” Sophie blushed.

“Soph, I slept through the night. No nightmares when I was sleeping in his arms.” I whispered to her. She turned to look at me and nodded.

“That pretty much says it all. I feel a little sorry for Cajun. He really liked you.” She said with a sad look on her face.

“He is a great guy and I know he will find the one meant for him. It just wasn’t me.” I told her as I sealed the boxes with my school things. “I do need to apologize to him though. I didn’t mean to lead him on. I enjoyed spending time with him, he just isn’t Cole. I love Cole.”

“I can tell. He loves you too, even if he hasn’t said it yet. Austin said it was quite a sight to see last night when he came to pick you up. He made it very clear that you were his old lady, and it was hands off.” She gushed and pretended to swoon. Of course, this sent me into a fit of giggles. “It was so romantic, the way he told it.”

“I hate I missed it; I was asleep at first.” I looked around to see if I had missed anything. “Looks like I have everything.”

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