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I went quietly down the stairs and found the coffee pot. It was wired to always have hot water so all I had to do was add the grounds and start. After getting the pot going, I sat down at the table and remembered that she was working as a volunteer at the shelter in the mornings, so she was already up. I could call her. I really wanted to talk to her in person. I typed out a message to her hoping she would take it how I meant it.

Doc: Good morning, Baby doll, I’m sorry about hurting you before. I do care about you a lot and I would like a chance to show you. Can you make some time for me when I get home?

Dawn: GM, I am at the shelter feeding the animals. When will you be home?

Doc: I am hoping to be home no later than tomorrow. We have a good lead. There is a key to my house under the mat. If you need time alone, you can use the key and sleep in my room. I know you have been spending time with Cajun. I just ask that you give me a chance to talk to you.

Dawn: I have been seeing Remy, he is a nice guy, and he doesn’t hide his interest in me. We will see how I feel when you get back. Be safe.

Doc: Thank you, see u soon.

I put the phone in my cut pocket and poured myself some coffee. I looked at the message again. I really didn’t like that response, but it was my own fault for giving her the cold shoulder.

The guys came down about six looking for their own hit of coffee. I nodded to the pot and lifted my mug. I wasn’t feeling very talkative right now. I could try to deny my feelings for her but every time I saw Cajun near her or even thought of him trying to kiss her, I wanted to rip his head off.

Hawk raised his eyebrow at me, and I nodded. He gave me a pat on the shoulder, poured himself a cup and sat down.

“Any idea what time Rivet and his crew get up. I’m ready to go find these assholes so we can get home.” I said as I finished my coffee and put the cup in the sink.

“Is now good enough for you Doc?” Raven said as he and Rivet turned the corner. “Our guys spotted them in Freedom, we need to get going if we are going to catch up. I hope you have your compound locked down tight.”

“I’ll call Bear and the guys from Phoenix Security. They can grab and detain them if necessary. Do you have pictures I can send them?” Axle said as he started to dial. Rivet nodded and sent the pictures to his phone.

“Yo Bear, I’m going to send you a picture of a couple of goons that we need detained until we get there. They were a part of the group that took Gears sister.” He listened and we heard a couple of grunts and then he hung up. “I just sent the pics. They will find them. Bear has a room above his bar and grill with soundproof walls and a separate entrance. Let’s ride.”

“We appreciate your assistance and your hospitality. Let us know when we can return the favor.” Blade said to Rivet.

“You boys watch your backs.” Rivet said as he stood at the door and watched up mount our bikes and head out.



Remy was really sexy, but he just didn’t get my motor going like Doc always does. I really needed to let him down gently. He was a great kisser, but I couldn’t see myself being intimate with him. He was helping me with my morning routine again and playing with the animals. I was headed back into the main part of the building to wait for Cara when I heard a noise at the front door. I wondered if she was coming in a bit early. I looked up and saw it was Undertaker and my brother. They had a serious look on their faces.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, suddenly worried one of the guys had been hurt. They locked the door behind them and ushered me into the break room. I sat down as they leaned back and crossed their arms.

“We just got word that the two goons that got away were spotted in Freedom. That is too close for comfort. We are going on lockdown until Bear and his buddies find and detainthem. Our guys are on their way back. Cara is making calls, rescheduling any appointments for today. Then she is going to stay with us until they get back. We will help you finish up and then we are all meeting at the clubhouse. It’s the safest place to watch all the women and children.” Gears rubbed my back as I started to panic a little. “Don’t worry, no one is getting near you.”

Remy came in and nodded at the guys. They had notified him via text along with the rest of the Rippers that had stayed behind. He had finished up, so we locked up and headed to the clubhouse. Remy went to hold my hand, but I sidestepped him and stood on the other side of my brother. I was suddenly very uncomfortable and feeling nauseous. When we got to the clubhouse I went straight to the bathroom and got sick. My nerves were not my friend today. I grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around me. Curled up with my feet under me I sat on the couch and just stared at the tv. The kids were watching a Disney movie, so I pretended to be interested. Remy sat down beside me on the couch but made no move to touch me. My brother came over and knelt down in front of me.

“Sis, are you okay? Is there anything I can get for you?” he asked, looking at me. I just shook my head. I didn’t want to tell him that all I wanted was to be back at Doc’s place with him. That was the safest I had felt since the abduction. He hugged me and whispered in my ear.I know what you need, and he will be here soon.I looked up at him shocked. “It’s okay.”

Austin stood up and jerked his head towards the kitchen at Remy. He got the hint and got up to go see what he needed to do.

I glanced over at them talking and I felt bad because Remy has been nothing but sweet to me. I really wanted to like him the same way he seemed to like me but there was something holding me back. I also know he doesn’t know the extent of whathappened to me. I curled up in the couch and tried to focus on the tv.

I woke up when I felt someone picking me up. I opened my eyes to see Doc holding me in his arms and carrying me toward his house.

“I can walk, you must be so tired.” I mumbled a bit embarrassed that he was carrying me. He made a strange noise and kept walking. I gave up and rested my head against his chest. If I was being honest with myself, this was exactly where I wanted to be.

“You and I are going to have a long talk Baby Doll.” he said as he gently put me down outside his door as he dug for his keys to unlock it. He held it open for me to go inside and then followed me in locking the door behind us.

“Did you find them?” I asked as I remembered what they had been doing. He nodded and then pulled me into his arms holding me tight to his chest.

“Baby, I have been trying to keep my distance. You are younger than me and your brother is my friend. I can’t do it anymore. Seeing you with Cajun made my blood boil. The thought of him touching what is mine made me want to plant him into the ground. I haven’t been able to sleep, and you have been on my mind nonstop. If you don’t feel the same, you better tell me now.” he said with a growl as I crawled into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I want to be with you too Doc. I tried to let myself move on with Remy. It wasn’t working because he is not you.” I told him as I stared into his beautiful eyes.

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