Page 60 of Precipice

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He pecks me on the lips and winks at me. Sue comes to say hello next, and the look on her face tells me I’m in trouble.

“You have some ‘splainin’ to do, missy.”

I cringe. “I know. If it makes you feel better, Ellie didn’t know much until last week.”

Sue throws her hands in the air. “That’s worse!”

I laugh. “I know. I’m an idiot. It’s been established at this point.”

“You’re not an idiot. Maybe just out of your element a little. I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

“I promise, you will.”

My hellos are exhausted, and I find myself laughing more and more as the party gets into full swing. Nolan sticks close by the whole night, bringing me snacks and drinks any time the idea even flits across my brain. He’s spoiling me extra, and I haven’t decided if it’s his way of making up for scaring the shit out of me or if it’s just because it’s my birthday.

Either way, I’m soaking up every ounce of attention because the look on his face when he brings me something I want is worth being overly stuffed and drunk. If I was questioning how I felt before this party, there’s no longer any doubt.

I’m hopelessly in love with Nolan Ellis.



“Open mine next!” Tilly wiggles in her spot on the floor. We are packed into Katie’s living room like sardines while she opens her birthday presents.

“This is too much, you guys,” Katie says for the third time.

“Oh, shut up. Let us spoil you, dammit!” Ellie groused.

Katie laughs and rolls her eyes at the same time. “Fine. I give in.” She takes the sparkly wrapped present from Tilly. Using careful fingers, Katie pops the tape to remove the paper. She gasps when she reveals a book. Her eyes fly to Tilly’s. “You didn’t!”

“I so did. And I got one for myself, too.” Tilly giggles.

Katie runs her hand down the cover. The title is a shiny red color, and even I can admit that the art is beautiful. “It’s a special edition of my favorite book,” Katie finally explains. When she opens the cover, a gift card slides out.

“That’s to get books you haven’t read before,” Tilly adds.

“Thank you, Tills. It’s perfect.”

“My turn.” Cody stands to hand Katie his present.

“You got me a present?” Katie’s surprise is evident.

“Nolan helped, but yeah.”

“I only helped acquire it. It was all Cody’s idea,” I tell her.

She opens the present, her jaw dropping in surprise. “Cody Ezra!”

Cody glances at me and grins. I shoot him a wink, stupidly proud of him. He didn’t have enough money saved to buy it outright, but I paid for the rest of it and told him that we could give it to her together.

Katie pulls out the Kindle we bought her. She stares at it for a moment without saying anything. It makes Cody start to fidget. “Is it okay? Nolan can return it and get you something else if you don’t like it.”

“Just… Hold on. I’m trying not to blubber.”

Cody giggles and then screeches when Katie reaches to pull him into her lap. “Mom! Stop!” He continues to squeal as she tickles him.

“It’s my birthday, you turd. You’re not supposed to make me cry.”

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