Page 59 of Precipice

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We’re in the car, headed to my house, when I get a text from Nolan.


I’m dying to see the outfit you picked out for tonight. Is it sexy? Fuck, it’s going to be sexy. And Cody’s going to be there, so I’ll have to keep my hands to myself. I should’ve had you send me pictures. That would’ve been smart.


Well, you won’t have to wait long. I’m on my way home.

I grin at my phone. “I think Nolan’s nervous.”

“Why? Did something happen?” The concern in Ellie’s voice makes me love her all the more for caring.

“No, not that I’m aware of. He just sent me a rambling text about what I’m wearing. It was cute.”

“Aw. That’s sweet. Would it be weird to sneak in with you to see his reaction? Also, I’m dying to see Cody in a tie. Ugh, he’ll look so cute!”

I laugh. “No, that wouldn’t be weird. He’d love to see you anyway.”

“Okay, good.”

We pull into my driveway beside Nolan’s truck. Ellie gets out with me, and we walk up to the house. I test the door to find it unlocked, as I’d assumed. I step inside, and the dark living room makes me pause.


My heart leaps out of my chest when the light gets flipped on and a shout meets my ears.


Ellie’s giggles are drowned out by the cheering. No longer in fight mode, I finally register everyone who is in my house. All of Nolan’s siblings and their partners are here, as well as Natalie and Tucker and Nolan’s mom and dad. Sue is whooping the loudest of anyone, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

Cody comes bouncing up to me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face. His black tie and white button-down make him look so much older than my heart can take. “We got you so good, Mom. I’m not even gonna make you pay for the curse word, since we scared you.”

“How magnanimous of you,” I deadpan. He only starts to laugh harder.

Nolan comes up next, a smile on his face and his eyes lined with worry. “Happy birthday, little dove,” he says just for me and kisses me on the cheek.

“Did you do this?” I eye the black and gold decorations scattered around the room. There are gold, sparkly streamers spread across doorways, balloons hanging all over the place, and a fun, glittery backdrop for pictures pinned to the wall.

“With a lot of help from people who love you.”

I turn to find Ellie in the room and glare at her. “You’re good. Too good.” She blows me a kiss and laughs.

Nolan pulls me deeper into the room. Everyone takes it as their cue to say hello. Cindy, Nolan’s mom, wraps me in a big hug. “Happy birthday, darling girl. You deserve every ounce of spoiling you got today.”

Nolan’s dad, Steve, gives me a side hug because Cindy is still standing in front of me. “Happy birthday, kid. Glad we could be here to celebrate.”

“Thank you for coming,” I respond. A warm, squishy feeling takes up residence inside me. It’s weird to be showered with this amount of love at one time. I’m not entirely sure I would’ve believed that Nolan’s family liked me enough to come to a surprise party for me. The only reason I know them is because of Ellie. It’s not like I’m actually family to them.

But maybe that assumption was wrong. Maybe I’ve been pushing them away in some deluded effort to protect myself, in case they didn’t care about me the way I hoped they would.

I need a drink so I’ll stop making revelations about how fucked-up my brain is.

“My turn!” Tilly squeezes into our little group to hug me. I laugh as we sway back and forth from the momentum of her body.

Nolan places his hand on my lower back, and I turn to find him holding out a plastic cup filled with what I’m hoping is alcohol.

“Thank you,” I say gratefully.

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