Page 61 of Precipice

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“I’m sorry!” he gasps through his laughter.

Katie finally lets him go, helping him to stand back up. “Thank you, baby. This is the best gift I’ve ever received.”

“Nolan said he sent you some extra money to buy books, too.”

Katie looks at me with so much affection in her eyes that I’m tempted to start blurting out words that don’t need to be said yet. I lean in to kiss her to keep the confessions inside.

“Thank you both.” Katie swipes her fingers under her eyes to clear the moisture.

“You ready for more cake?” I ask her.

“No, my stomach is so fu—freaking full. I’m not sure it can hold any more.”

I laugh at her attempt to stop from cursing. At this point, the whole group owes Cody at least a hundred bucks.

“Anyone else want some?” I ask the group to take their attention off Katie while she gets herself back together. Several people raise their hands, and I nod. I head to the kitchen to make up the plates, my mom following behind me.

She helps me cut and plate the cake until we have enough for everyone. Mom places her hand on my arm. “I’m beyond proud of you, Nolan. I hope you know that.”

My eyebrows rise. I start to say thank you, but she stops me. “You were always such a free spirit growing up. I worried endlessly about you finding the right path. You had so many interests that I wasn’t sure where you would end up. I just knew that once you did find your place, you’d be phenomenal at it. I never expected that it would be here, beside a woman who deserves the world. This is where you belong, with her and that little boy, who already hero worships you. Don’t let them go, and don’t stop fighting for her. I don’t think many have stuck around.”

She grabs several plates and takes them into the living room without another word. Their laughter is muffled by my mom’s words still buzzing in my head. I kind of always assumed Mom and Dad thought I was their less successful kid. I’m not in a fancy job like my siblings. I don’t save animals’ lives like Sara, or people’s lives like Carter. I also don’t have a fancy foundation that helps kids in need, like Adam and Matthew. I’m just boring old me with a regular job. I was plenty proud of myself for finding a career I loved, but knowing that my parents are proud of me gives me a sense of accomplishment I didn’t think I needed.

I take the rest of the plates into the living room, handing them out to everyone who wants some, and then plopping down next to Katie. Every couple of bites, I feed one to Katie, who happily shares the cake with me. I had a feeling she’d want some, despite saying no. I’m glad I got a big enough piece to share.

The rest of the night is spent laughing and drinking more than we probably should. My siblings start to trickle out, beginning the domino effect of everyone else leaving. I see my mom pull Katie to the side, and Katie’s surprise at whatever Mom is saying is obvious.

Then Katie goes to talk with Cody, whose eyes light up. He looks at my mom and nods his head with excitement. They head upstairs, and I go over to ask Mom what that was about.

“I offered to take Cody to our house for a sleepover tonight. We’d been planning to take Noah into Greensboro tomorrow to check out the new kids science museum they just opened, and I thought Cody might have fun, too.”

“That’s really nice of you, Mom. Thank you.”

“It’s no biggie. I figured you might want a little time alone together, and we were already going.”

“I’m ready!” Cody comes jogging toward us with his backpack bouncing.

“He has cash for both the entry ticket and food in his bag,” Katie says, following behind Cody.

Mom waves her off. “That’s not necessary. It was our idea.”

“Well, it’s there if you need it. I appreciate you taking him. We’ve been talking about going since it opened.” Katie turns to Cody. “Use your manners, and listen to Cindy and Steve, okay?”

Cody nods. “Promise.” He hugs Katie and then me.

“Thanks for helping me plan the party. Make sure to have fun tomorrow, too.”

Cody grins up at me. “I will.”

Mom and Dad lead Cody out to their car. Katie watches them like a hawk, her lip clamped between her teeth. “He’ll be okay, right?”

“More than. Mom and Dad will take great care of him.” I turn her back into the house, locking the door behind us.

She exhales a deep breath. “Right. I know. I just worry about him. He’s been dying to go to that museum. He’d have been so disappointed if I’d said no because I’m too much of a control freak.”

“You’re his mom, little dove. You want him to be safe. That doesn’t make you a control freak. But I promise, he’s safe with my parents.” I grab her hand and lead her back to the couch. “Let’s have a nightcap.”

“We should clean up.”

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